2~First meet~

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Over 5000 years before..

After defeating the kingdom of paanchal there stood the might paandav..

"I think its time for us to leave for hasthinapur" stated the eldest pandav and the rest nodded.

On the way, back to hasthinapur nakul had a mischievous smile on his face and all of a sudden he stated " i think it is time for brrata bheem to get married " and smiled slyly. On the other hand bheem who was munching over his besan laddu started coughing vigorously , after sometime he was normal and gave nakul a death glare , nakul on the othere hand brought his horse next to yudhishtir inorder to not to get killed by the mighty vrikodhar.

Bheem just rode his horse casually next to nakul , when bheem was about to say something nakul interuped and said "its not me it was mata thinking about your marraige ". Bheem looked slightly confused and asked "my marraige? But why? " . Nakul face palmed himself and taunted "so that you can have them for dinner" on the other hand arjun and sahdev wer trying to control there laugh were yudhishtir just smiled calmly..

Bheem got furious and attacked nakul by grabbing his neck , nakul to save himself saw sahdev behind him and said " bratha ! It was sahdev who suggested me this idea to pull ur legs , sahdev was taken aback and gave a wthh look to him , before he could save himself bheem launched upon him and grabbed his neck, he was almost choking the madari nandan's.

The two were trying themselves very hard to get out of the grip of bheem.
By now all of them had got down the horse ..as it was dark and their horses were exhausted too..
Meanwhile arjun and yudhishtir were busy laughing seeing their condition.

Nakul all of a sudded stated , laughing slowly "bhrata , whatever it is you will nevr hurt your anuj 's right " bheem released them , both nakul and sahdev gasped for oxygen but again they were pulled by bheem for a hug .

Bheem while hugging stated "Murkh , I can't hurt u because I love you both till no end " he said a bit emotionally with a smile and kissed their head.

Yudhishtir and arjun stood there watching them with a smile , suddenly a mischievous thought crossed arjun's mind and gave a look to yudhishtir and wrapped yudhishtir's hands around him and arjun wrapped his handes aroud yudhishtir tightly, befor he could understand arjun said a bit loud "dekhiye bhrata aur anujo , jesht mujse sabse zyada pyaar karte hai " and gave a smile to all 3 of them and wincked at them.

Bheem ,nakul and sahdev seemed to understand and smiled slyly ...
Yudhishtir , who knew what will happen stood ready for the impact by moving 1 of his leg back..and closed his eyes with a soft smile of his lips...

Bheem nakul and sahdev launched themselves over yudhishtir , due to which even though yudhishtir was ready for the strong impact , he lost his balance and fell back with all four of them...they all hugged him tightly by closing their eyes with a smile of contentment.
They all , again started to argue that who yudhishtir loves the most..yudhishtir gave a 'inka kuch nahi ho sakta' look and
Yudhishtir kissed all of their heads lovingly and creased their hair..

As it was dark they decided to set a camp over there and continue their journey tmrow..

Suddenly they herd a small whimper all 5 of them gave a look to eachother and rushed towards that direction...

They saw a girl who was wear a simpe kurta , her head was bleeding heavyly ,there were cut marks all over her body she was struggling to breathe..

Yudhishtir said nakul and sahdev to treat her , they nodded their head immediately . Sahdev carried her carefully were as nakul rushed to take the medicinal herbs...

So heyy guyss ,this is the second part.
Please do vote and let me know in the comments what do you feel about this chapter.

Take care

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