『Compatibility: Cancer x Capricorn』

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Compatibility score overall: 86%


- Mutual relationship of qualities
- Reliable and faithful
- Sensual nature


- Require an effort to keep relationships alive
- Lack attention span of a keen lover/friend
- Cancer requires more emotional range


The Cancer-and-Capricorn interaction is very important since these signs oppose one another, attempting to find balance by being in a relationship together. As the "I nurture" sign of the zodiac, Cancer is caring, sympathetic, and compassionate. Capricorn is the "I produce" sign of the zodiac and is responsible, goal-driven, and practical. A long-term relationship is very likely. Capricorn likes to lead and accomplish and having a relationship with a sign that wants to nurture and support works well for them. Capricorn, the Sea Goat, is focused on logic, on being down-to-earth and real; Cancer brings a charge of emotional intensity to the relationship. Both hold one another to high standards tempered by an abiding mutual respect. In a Capricorn mate, Cancer finds dedication, and in return Capricorn comes to love Cancer's persistence. These two Signs from opposite sides of the Zodiac can come together to create a very successful and secure connection.


This relationship builds and grows from a strong foundation of material and emotional security. Both Signs can be depended on to make frugal, conservative decisions. It doesn't have to be all solemnity, though, as Cancer can help their hard-working Capricorn lover to relax a little at the end of the day, to take time to enjoy the rewards of all that labor. Cancer will also be the one to polish and preserve the fruits of their shared accomplishments; Cancer is the keeper of nostalgia and cherished memories and possessions. Capricorn moves Cancer toward achievement and keeps in check their Crab-like tendencies, enlightening Cancer to the more important matters of the world outside their own easily bruised heart. This relationship succeeds if there is an ironclad commitment and a stable, traditional home environment.


Cancer and Capricorn friends are complete opposites, which is the secret to their friendship. The Crab has tremendous emotional intelligence, knowing what people need to thrive. The Goat is enormously practical, understanding what needs to be done to succeed. The friendship between the Cancer and the Capricorn is defined by two natives who have a lot of determination and the power to be assertive. The Capricorn is rational and composed, whereas the Cancer brings in all the emotions in the friendship. Both of them expect great things from their friends, but they can calm one another down when they're best pals. The Cancer appreciates how the Capricorn is dedicated, while the latter likes the former for being tenacious. Their connection is sure to last and to be secure. Cancer is a cardinal and belongs to the Water element, not to mention he or she is ruled by the Moon. When making friends with someone, people in this sign want stability, to offer their care, love and protection.

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