𓆗 theodore nott - rain

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After the quidditch match between slytherin and gryffindor, Theodore immediately set out to find the girl. He hadn't seen her in the stands. She had told him she would be there. That was the issue. He didn't like lies, especially from her.

Rain water dripped from his hair and quidditch robes, his grip tightened around his broom, narrowing his eyes when he saw her leaving the castle with no other than Lorenzo. Really? Before he'd realized it, he approached and let his fists collide with his jaw.

"Theodore!" She yelled out as she pulled the boy back. "What the hell!?" He clenched his fists, his eyes darkening as lightning flashed behind him from the storm. All he saw was red.

She stood in front of him, looking up. She spoke up to try to gain his attention. "We were just having a friendly conversation."

"I'll bet you did." He scoffed, still not looking at her. "He probably only has one thing on his mind when he's with you."

Her eyes furrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about?" Her hands moved from his arms to cross over her chest, due to the cold of the rain and some annoyance.

"Don't act like you don't know what I mean." He spoke through gritted teeth as a sudden burst of wind blew past them both.

She turned back to look at Lorenzo as he coughed out. Her eyes narrowed, feeling stuck, not knowing what to do in this situation that Theodore threw them all in.

"Do you think he wanted to ask you about the damn weather?" He spit out. "He's trying his luck with you, that's what. He wants you."

She rolled her eyes, still not facing him. "He's your friend. I was trying to be nice for your sake!"

"Oh, is that what you were doing?" His voice was growing with anger. "You seemed to be getting along quite well. Too well, if you ask me."

She turned on her heel as Lorenzo left the two behind. The tension however, stayed with the two of them. "You're so delusional." She gritted out.

"Am I?" He asked, his eyes boring holes into her. "Tell me, would you have let me touch you the way he did?"

She got up close, closing most of the distance between them. "I've let you touch me way more than he did. You know damn well that I'm in love with you, even though you don't feel the same way!" She spoke loudly, partly because how loud the rain was smacking the ground.

"And I know that." He spoke quietly and calmly, his fingers running through his messy hair. "Regardless, you don't see how it makes me feel when you're getting close to another man?" He asked, not bothering to take into account that he'd never expressed how it made him feel directly. It was common sense."

"Why do you care!?" She exclaimed before motioning towards him. "You said you didn't want anything between us!"

"And that was then." He replied, not denying that he had said it before. "Now I feel differently."

She was curious to say the least, but she was so angry with the way he acted that all she did was glare at him as she tapped her foot against the ground, splashing water. Suddenly his arms were wrapped around her, pulling her closer to him. His eyes were still dark as he waited for her to say something.

She was startled by the sudden embrace, but after a moment she wrapped her arms around him as well. "You know I only want you." She muttered into his soaking wet robes.

"Prove it." He breathed the words into her.

Without shame, she pulled back and cupped his cheeks, pulling him into a passionate yet desperate kiss as thunder cracked around them.

His tongue found hers as his lips were pressed against hers just as passionately. His hands found their way to her chest, his grip tightening around her damp sweater and loosening as he kissed her. "Mine." He whispered against her lips, his body pressed into hers as he tried to claim her as his.

She practically melted at his words. Her hand found her way into his hair, pulling the wet strands slightly as she continued to kiss him. For a moment, the world around them disappeared and it was just them.

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