x/x (wednesday)

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Today, I had to do school by myself. Since on Wednesdays, we have to do the work by ourselves and only go to one meeting call. Most of the time, anyway. Sometimes teachers can host their meeting on Wednesdays, however, we still do the work by ourselves. The work was fine. Sometimes, I wish they put out the work all at once so I can just get it over with. But it doesn't work like that, for whatever reason. Not like I really care, since I most of the time forget to do the work and the school ends up messaging my mother about it. It hadn't happened yet, so hopefully not.

Earlier today, one of the befriended students I had talked about asked for my phone number, so that they can still message me after they move in 2 weeks. Her name was Willow. I wonder if I'll be able to get the other students' phone numbers too. I'd feel weird for asking, but it's worth a try.

I can't do it now, though. Maybe tomorrow, on the last day of testing. I should get back to work now.

At Lunch, around 11:49 PM, my grandparents took me to a restaurant called "Burger King". I ended up getting a blue raspberry slushy drink, with 8 nuggets along with three ranch dressing packets. It was a good lunch, I would say.

I don't have much work to do anymore, since most of them didn't really assist an assignment to me. At least, not yet. So, I guess I'll just do my own things for now, until the end of the school day.

After school, My bestest friend who I see as my sister, Milo, asked if I wanted to go to Skate City on Sunday. When I asked my mom, she immediately said no to it.

But then it changed to Dave n' Busters and she said yes to that.

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