x/x (sunday)

3 0 2

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My parents fought again. More than the last 2 days. I got yelled at by my mother. I'm not allowed to really tell anyone, because then she'll be seen as a bad mother, so I'm forced not to tell.

I feel stressed.

I'm not sure if we'll even be done packing by the time we're forced to move out, but either way, I don't blame them. My mother is just stressed because of the last minute packing thing, and she's taking it out on other people by accident, without really even thinking despite the fact she's only sitting on her bed and not helping at all, but just telling everyone what to do due to her heart machine thing. I wish she'd consider her words a bit more often, or even just keep thoughts to herself. Of course though,

This is my mother I'm talking about here.

The same mother that's making my father leave and not want to help anymore.

The same mother who keeps talking about the bad things, rather than either trying to compromise, or communicate. Only complaints and even rumors. She says she doesn't want drama in her life, which no one probably does,

But I don't think she realizes that she's the one causing the drama to begin with most of the time.

And I can't tell her that, either. She'll yell at me again.

Is it my fault?

My fault that I've practically been sleeping all day on the ground, rather than staying awake and help? I don't know, maybe it is, maybe not.

I'm a disgrace.

We got more of it done, but there's still much to go.

I have to sleep on the ground tonight again.

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