5/12 (sunday)

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Today was Mother's Day.

I could tell I was annoying my mom most of the day, to the point she wanted me outside in the rain. That's okay. I like the rain.

My grandpa decided to grill some food we got yesterday. Of course, due to the rain, once it's done, we covered the food with foil and ran inside to eat.

Tomorrow's school again.

I'm not excited about it.


I don't have much of a choice.

Nor do I get to have a word in it.

It's a thing I have to do frequently.

The only reason I go to school is, not only because I am forced to, I get to socialize with the other children.

But, when it's online, you don't get to socialize as much.

So, I barely have much of a reason to enjoy school, other than the fact I'm not bullied as much.

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