Pairing Up.

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I had Economics in the last period. I went to my seat and I closed my eyes, praying they wouldn't show up. The door opened and I saw both of them enter the class with their jerseys on and standing tall with their chest out.

I scoffed. "Sup, spotty?" I looked away and heard them stand behind me at their table. "Yo, you think you can get those spots for senior prom?" Liam asked.

I turned around and I flipped him off. He laughed alone. Caleb had a serious look on his face, glaring at me. What was wrong with this guy? Jesus.

I turned away and I kept my head low again, ignoring the spit balls and rubber bands shooting at me.

Before the class was over, Mr. Watson clapped his hands together. "Class, I got a great assignment for you all. You're gonna be in pairs for a project. You can pick any chapter you want and use that..."

Please don't make me pair up with the losers behind. Please, please.

"..... Liam, you're with Cora." Fuck. Liam came to my desk and winked at me. "This is gonna be exciting." He said. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Liam."

"Caleb, you're with Heather." I stifled a laugh and I turned around. Caleb rolled his eyes and Heather smoothly waltzed her way to Caleb's desk.

"Hey, Caleb." "Yeah, okay." I smirked as the two exchanged simple words. Caleb looked at me with his fearsome eyes and I looked away, too afraid to laugh again.

The bell rang and I walked out of the door.

"Hey, so how about your place?" Liam asked. "No can do. I got a bomb underneath my house. It'll go off if you step foot."

"Fine. My place?"

"I'll be there at 5." I walked away and Kelsie caught up with me. "Hey!"

"I'm paired up with Emma Roberts over there. Fucking hell." I said. "Damn what a fucking day." I smirked. "It only gets worse."

She disappeared with a group of her friends and I walked outside to the lot.

I got to my car and I waited for Elora. She ran up to me and I grinned as she wrapped her arm around my leg. "Hey, kiddo. How was school?" I asked.

"It was good. I saw a bully and I punched him in the nose."

"Oh no." "It's okay. I told him to shut up and say he fell." "And?" "He listened to me." I laughed and picked her up in my arms. "That's my girl." I kissed her cheek.

"Did anyone talk about your face?" She asked, caressing her tiny finger down my wounded lip. "No. No one really wants to know. They'd probably think I wrestled a tiger and wanted to leave me alone." She giggled and I set her down.

"Hey." Kelsie approached me. "Yo."

"Caleb apologised to me. That's weird." "He did? He did that to me too." "Wow. He's probably got a whole cleansing routine now." I giggled. "Possibly."

I looked over the lot to see the jocks talking over their cars. I spotted Caleb and Liam and they were apparently in a heated conversation.

I turned away and I smiled at Elora. "Come on, kid. I gotta drop you home. I got some work." "Drop me off, too. I need to see my boss." I chuckled. "Sure."

We got into the car and I drove away from school. I pulled over at Domino's and Kelsie got off. "Bye! See you tomorrow!" She said. "Bye, Kelsie!!" Elora screamed. I laughed and drove away from the lot.

"Listen, kid. You'll be okay? I got a project to do." "I'll be okay." She said. "Okay." I pulled over at the front of the house. She looked at me and frowned. "Don't be late. I need your help with homework."

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