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I went to school the next day. My worst nightmare yet. I dropped off Elora to her class and I walked down the halls, trying to stay hidden.

I tripped on something and I heard a crack on the concrete floor. I turned on my back to see Liam and Caleb standing over me.

"Come on, spotty. You gotta be careful where you walk." Liam uttered. I growled and got back on my feet. Caleb smirked at me.

"I bet we need to buy you glasses. You can't really see, huh?" He hissed.

"Piss off." I uttered. They both laughed and gave each other fist bumps. "See you later, loser." Liam said. I rolled my eyes and I walked away from them.

I reached my locker and Kelsie jumped in front of me.

"What happened to you?"

"White chicks over there tripped me over." I said.

"What? I'm so gonna mess them up!" She said, rolling up her sleeves.

"Leave it Kel. It's not worth it." She rolled her eyes at me and sighed. "You really gotta do something about that."

"I don't give a single shit about it. Let's just go to class." I hung my bag over my shoulder and proceeded to class.

One more day. One more day. That's all. I can do this.

The door opened and the pair entered the class.

"Hey! Look it's that fucking loser who fell on her face just now!" Caleb yelled, pointing at me. Everyone roared with laughter and I turned around, humiliated. I was gonna get my revenge.

They both sat behind me in chemistry class and I glared at the atmosphere around me. I can't take this.

I poured my focus onto my work when I felt a ball of paper hit my head. I turned around and Liam smirked at me.

"Come on, spotty. You gotta give us a show." I rolled my eyes. I'm just gonna shift myself into oblivion. The spit balls came at me. The paper Planes came at me. Nope. Nothing. They gave up eventually. I smirked.


The school got over that day and I was more than happy I could finally get away from these two. Heather thankfully was absent.

I walked out of the doors and Caleb hooked his hand on my bag, jerking me back. He pulled me onto the floor and I fell with a thud.

He laughed and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Wow. Talk about finding your balance." He scoffed. Fuck it.

I got up and I grabbed his collar. I punched him straight in the face and he fell to the floor, bleeding.

"What the fuck, Cora?" He asked. I cracked my knuckles and I smirked.

"Wow. Talk about finding your balance." I repeated his words. He glared at me and I smirked, walking away from him.

I picked Elora up and we headed back home. "Are you ready to go on a vacation?" I asked her.

"Yes!" She screamed excitedly.

"Me too, kiddo. Me too."


Helga had booked a flight ticket for the three of us to LA. Granny didn't want to go because "no one would look after the house and cookie monsters would steal El's treats."


For the latter part of the day I spent, I packed my indisposed camera and my diary to fill up on my adventures with Elora. I was more excited than she was, I know.

I could finally get away from everyone here. Especially my father. That asshole. He hadn't come to see me yet, so my guess was as wild as running to a strip club and harassing women.

I mean, you gotta love men like that, huh?

It was finally Friday morning. I hugged granny goodbye but I couldn't contain my excitement. She laughed and handed me a box of cookies to eat whenever I felt homesick. I doubt I'd need it.

Elora packed up in her pretty pink butterfly suitcase and we were out the door with Helga. We got into the cab and we drove away.

I didn't wanna tell Helga that her stupid bitch of a brother was beating his child constantly to bruising but lucky for me, I knew how to conceal my marks with a little of makeup.

I mostly felt ashamed for being a victim of certain abuse that even coming out to tell everyone felt like the attack on me would worsen.

They'd call me weak or torment me and say I couldn't even defend myself and shit. I am, afterall, just a kid.

Helga didn't even notice anything. She just looked happy honestly. Maybe it's because she finally got to vacay after four years. It's such a shame how work can really drain you and miss time with family.

Elora was excited. A little too much. She couldn't contain herself as I had to remind her of her manners. She was a joyful little angel and I couldn't ever bear to lose her.

The car ride was mostly quiet but it was only because I was zoning out and thinking of ways to escape my fucking dad.

We reached the airport and I got down. I looked at El and I grinned. "Excited to be on a plane?" I asked.

"I'm scared." I chuckled.

"Just hold my hand. Everything will be okay. It's gonna be fun." She smiled and nodded, locking her hands with mine. Helga grinned at me.

"Finally! I can spend some time with my angels." She said. We walked inside and got on our plane. We three sat together in a row and I sat in the middle.

El wanted the window seat, obviously. Helga smiled at me. "You've grown so big now."

"4 years is a long time, Auntie. I really missed you."

"I missed you too. I'm glad I finally got to come home. I'm so tired of work. They told me to do this and that. I wanna be free." "Me too."

"Why's that?" Oh boy.

"School is stressing me out a lot." Damn that's some fast thinking, Cora. "Don't worry, after all this studying you're gonna be great." "I hope so." I smiled.

I closed my eyes and I dozed off. I was tired, honestly. Putting up with so much bullshit at once and then finally being able to just temporarily escape it was a blessing. I had to take it.

I woke up after Auntie poked me. "We're here." She said, smiling. I looked out the window to see us landing. I grinned. Finally. Oh finally.

We got out of the plane and we walked to the pavement, finding a cab. We got in one and stayed in a little beach house that she owned.

"Wait, you own this?" I asked, looking around. "Yeah, granny wanted me to have this. Cole didn't want it. He's so naive."

"Dad didn't want this? Is he insane? It's so cool! We could've vacayed here all the time." I said, hugging the pillows from the couch.

"Yeah, well it's his loss. This is my paradise. If I needed to run, I'd come here and escape."

I smiled and thought back to my summer house just a few miles away from school. That was my escape.

"I'd love to escape." I said.

"Yeah, from what?"

"Many things. Can't name them. But it's a dream for me. I could just keep running. Be on the run." I smirked, sitting down.

"Well, if you ever need running, come run to me. I'll always help you out." I smiled. "I know auntie."

Elora laid down on the couch and sighed.

"We should eat something." Helga said.

"Okay, what do you have in mind?" I asked.

She smirked at me and opened the fridge.

"How about pasta?" I chuckled and nodded.

"I'd always do pasta."


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