Gone Missing.

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I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing. I rubbed my eyes and I checked the phone. Fuck. 11:30am.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Cora? Have you seen Kelsie?" Nina asked. "Mphm...what?"

I rubbed my eyes and I sat on my bed.

"Kelsie. She didn't come home last night."

"I think she slept over at the party."

"Dear God. Please go check." "Sure thing."

I hung up and I yawned. Fucking Kelsie. Does she have to go missing on a Saturday? It's a day off! I got up from my bed and I washed my face.

I headed down stairs and I poured myself some cereal. I ate it with my eyes closed, still half asleep. Fuck. I hate parties. They get me all half sober.

I grabbed my keys and I headed for the door. I got in my car and I looked around for cars. I pulled out my phone and rang Kelsie. It went straight to voicemail. Bitch.

I drove around the block, on my way to Liam's house.

I knocked on his door and he opened it. "Sweetheart? What are you doing here?" Does he really have to call me that? "Kelsie, is she here?"

"No. I thought she left with that guy." "What?" "Dude, I saw her leave?" "Oh, fuck. She might be missing!" I ran back to my car and I started it.

"Let me come along!" He said. He hopped inside and I drove around the block trying to find her. "Fuck! Her phone is switched off!"

"You guys should really stick together."

"Do you want my foot down your throat? She slipped off me. She went with this dude. What if he's a sex trafficker and makes her a whore? What if he killed her and sold her organs?"

"Cora, you're really theorizing the end of the line. Relax, does she work?" "That's right! Domino's!" I drove there at full speed and I pulled over.

"Mr. Sir. Manager, sir. Hi!" I said, flushed.

"Cora, you sound like you're dying." I elbowed him in the ribs and he backed away.

"Yes, how can I help you?" Kelsie's manager asked.

"Did Kelsie come by? Is she around?"

"No. She didn't show up she's late. You should tell her if she doesn't get here I'll have her fired!"

"Sir, she's just ill and please don't fire her. She's great!" I gave him a thumbs up and I walked out of the door.

"That guy's a dick." He said. "All bosses are."

I got in my car and I sat down.

He looked at me and he raised his eyebrows. "You want a pizza?" "Yes please." He chuckled and went back inside.

I reclined my seat back and I closed my eyes. He opened the door and I looked at him. He had his hands filled with two pizza boxes and he grinned. "It's always a party!" He said.

I laughed. He sat down and he opened the box. I took one slice and I took a bite, moaning.

"Damn, you need a room?" He asked.

"Definitely. I'd show this slice a good time." He chuckled.

"This is insane. Where could she be?" "She'll be around, Cora. Relax." I nodded. "She is fiesty." "Mm."

We ate the pizza to our heart's content.

"You know, I still can't wrap my head around why you guys are nice to me now."

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