Small Talk.

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I woke up the next morning to hear a bunch of utensils fall onto the floor. I groaned. "Fuck!" I screamed. "Sorry!" Her little voice echoed across the room.

I got up and I headed down stairs.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

"I wanted to make you breakfast." She said, clutching onto a pot in her hand. I chuckled and helped pick up the pots and pans.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well, I thought it was just a simple bacon and eggs combo?"

"Works for me." I sat down and watched her little hands work around the table.

"How was it with Patty?" I asked.

"It was really nice. He took me to the museum and he taught me about dinosaurs!"

I chuckled. "Did he? I always thought he didn't know about those things." "Me too! He was all scientific and creepy." I laughed. "Well, at least you had a fun day."

"We went to ride a bicycle. He didn't let me. He said he'd wait for you to teach me." I laughed. "He's a smart man. If he taught you he'd be in his grave by now."

She giggled.

I poured out the bacon onto the plates and the eggs and we sat down.

"Are you friends now with your bullies?" She asked. "I am. They're very nice people. They told me they were sorry and I forgave them."

"They like you." "I think it's all a joke." I smirked, trying not to rail the conversation into infatuation.

"Maybe if my bully tells me sorry and I agree, we can fall in love."

"No. He's not your type." "No?" "No. You need someone who is cool and can handle how awesome you are. Don't settle for that fat ugly bully! You're better than that."

I know it's wrong to fat shame and ugly shame a kid but he hurt my sister and I don't want her to fall in love with this chump! Hell no.

"What about you, Cora? Will you fall in love with your bullies?"

"No. I don't want a relationship. I'm having my hands full. I wanna take care of you. Boys will break my heart and who's gonna look after you? Kelsie is out there with other guys she won't have time."

She giggled. "Okay, Cora."

"This is amazing, kid. You're a great cook." She blushed and looked away, covering her face to cover the red tomato tint on her face.

I laughed. "You're fucking adorable." I kissed her head and smiled.

"Did you get any news on daddy?"

"Yeah. He's arrested. He's gone to jail."


"He deserved it. After all that's happened." She nodded.

"What if he comes to hit you?"

"Then I'll hit him back. I'll fight for you, kid. You and me." She frowned and nodded.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want him to come back."

I took her hands in mine and I nodded.

"I know. Talk to me, kid. I know what you saw was awful but I need to know what you're thinking."

She stared at me with her big doe eyes and she frowned.

"I feel really sad, Cora." "What's wrong?"

"Everytime he hits you, it pains me that I cannot help you. I'm so small and I can't do anything to save you."

I held back my tears and I smiled at her.

"You broke a bottle over his fucking head, El. You saved my life. You understand?"

She nodded. "I'm scared. He will come back and take you away from me."

"Listen. No one is gonna do that. It's gonna be you and me. I promise."

She frowned and nodded.

I sighed. "Talk to me, baby. What's wrong?"

"I overheard you talking to Nina. You said you don't know what you'd do if he comes back. I know you're protecting me, Cora. But you're getting hurt and it makes me sad."

I bit my lip and I sighed, bending my head low.

"You know I wanna keep you safe. You're my everything. You keep me sane! If you weren't here, I would lose my mind and take off my underpants and run down the street!"

She giggled.

"Elora, I love you so much. When we got to granny when you were a baby, I vowed to myself to never let anyone hurt you. If I have to die in order to save you, I will. I fucking will because you're my life. You're my silver lining okay?"

She had her tears spilled out of her eyes and she nodded.

"It sucks that dad's an abusive alcoholic and mom's a slut who sells her ass to every guy she meets but look, El, I'm not mom or dad. I'm me. And I am going to look after you."

"Okay." "Okay?" "Okay."

"Come here." I pulled her into my arms and I hugged her tight.

"I know how hard it must be to see such terrible things. But understand this, it only makes you stronger. If you know what you're dealing with, you learn about them. You study their behavior and you learn to defend."


"I'll look for you. But listen to me, remember the deal right? When I ask you to run?"

"I'll run."

I smiled. "Good."

She smiled back at me and ate her breakfast quietly.

I finally got some word out of her and of course I didn't like it. I was right. And I hated being right.


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