Let's rewind. I'm really confused.

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When Rei woke up, she was in the mood for faking. Faking everything. From "I'm ok" to smiling.

Will knew exactly what she was doing the second she started. He does that too. Halina sighed. "I'm really confused. We've just been walking in circles for the entire time! All we know from 'dreams' is that we have to go to Tartarus? We need more CONTEXT!"

Will sighed "fine, then. Let's repeat it. And try to figure out what it means, ok?" Halina nodded.

"Child of light, Love of darkness, Use your power to free the goddess, Below he must go, Under the world, A cage will be waiting, Unleash her rage, Find the one they call the mage, He and only he shall make the choice, Janus will choose, CHILD OF APOLLO USE YOUR VOICE!"

Halina made an exasperated sigh. "What does it mean?"
Will shrugged, "we need brains, we don't have it."
Rei chimed in, "they mean Arke, that's who they're talking about. It's also the phantom that's been following me." Halina and Will turned to face her. "How long have you known this?" Will asks. "Who is Arke?" Halina added.

"Arke is Iris's sister. She was the messenger for the Titans during the war. Due to her betrayal, Zeus ripped off her wings and trapped her in Tartarus where she is to suffer and rot." Rei finished. Halina gaped, "I'm very behind on these things." Will nodded chuckling a bit.

Will kept on glancing at Rei. She wasn't talking that much. "Are you okay?" He asks her. Rei's eyes flicked towards him, "I'm fine." She said.

Halina looked at both of them, slapping her thighs and getting up she yells, "time to get moving people!"

So they left.

One step outside of the cave, the children of Apollo took the toll. Rei looked towards them only to see the suprise of the highly energised siblings turn pale in a matter of seconds. Walking, Rei could hear the echo of each step being dragged along the rock floor. Each pant from the dry mouths. She counted each break they had to have. Each piece of Ambrosia and nectar consumed.

It went on for ages. She had to go infront now, due to the fact that Will was lagging behind. She couldn't tell them, but she knew where to go. Like with every step they take, a small whisper in her ear tells her to keep going, to keep continuing that direction, that we were so close. She could see the phantom through the very corner of her eye, urging her to hurry up while they stopped to rest.

The whispers were driving her insane. It was like bugs in her skin, itching her whenever they stopped. Soon she was on autopilot. She didn't know where she actually was anymore. Every 30 minutes or so they would stop, rest, then leave. Everything was in a huge blur.

They walked past blisters. Monsters and birds. The phantom showing up whenever they walked past some. And they backed away, as if they were afraid. They reached a steep slope, near the bottom were two drakons. Awaiting their next meal. Rei stopped the other two. "What's going on now?" Halina asked. "W-what are we doing?" Rei silenced her. Will looked down at the slope. "oh, I remember this, I fell down." He commented. "Stay here, okay? I'm going to fight them."

Rei cautiously walked down. Her hands glowing fiercely brighter with each step. Slowing down she hit one of them on the head. The Drakon shrieked in pain as it tried to take the purple fire of it. The other looked up to find the attacker, only to be met with fire as well.

As they burnt Rei motioned for the others to come. Halina and Will waddled towards her. "H-how do you know where to go?" Will questions. Rei shrugged and continued walking.

They were met with the intense sound of running water. "We're here!" Will exclaimed. "Welcome, to the river Acheron." (*Insert Jurassic Park theme song*)

Halina looked over the edge. "We're not going through it, right?" Will nodded. "On a boat!" He pointed down to a pathway leading to the bank. "She's our ride through."

Hey guys I'm back! Kinda did a little lore¿ Dump on you. Hehe. Anyway get ready for some stories!

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