Tell me your horrible angsty path, little children.

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Rei followed to where Will was pointing. She then, found a figure and the figure found them. Waving Gorgyra motioned them to come there. Cautiously walking down the steep path they finally caught up with her. "hello again, Son of Apollo." Gorgyra says. "Hi, Gorgyra!" Will smiled and sat down Infront of her. The rest followed in suit. "Now, what brings you here?" Gorgyra asks. "Another quest" Will answers. Gorgyra looked around. "Where is Nico?" Will cringed, "he's not part of it." Gorgyra looked disappointed but still was happy she had visitors. "Did the boat come back?" Will asked. Gorgyra nodded and motioned towards the dock where, lo and behold was the boat.

Gorgyra looked at all of them. Her eyes staring into their hearts. "Would you like to tell a story?" Rei and Halina looked at each other. Shrugging they say, "sure! I can tell you what happened back at the farm!" Halina said.

Like, a while ago.

They walked through the darkness to be met with the sound of cows. To be specific, red cows. And also a red bull-man. And a fellow troglodyte. Once more they were asked to collect a fruit from Persephone's garden.
"I thought it would be impossible!" Halina exclaimed. "But then Will said he and Nico did it before! And also that he and Persephone talked once, she's nice." Rei chimed in.

They talked and talked and-

"Is there anything else happening above?" Gorgyra asks. Rei could see right through.

She wants drama.

And Rei was happy to oblige.

"Well, Nico and Will got into an argument, thats why he isn't here." Rei started and it was obvious that Gorgyra was more interested that before. "Kayla got possessed by a Eidolon." (Dont remember if I spelt it correctly but thanks Halina!) "And well, someone told my crush I had a crush on them, after we got into an fight." Rei visibly cringed. Halina looked nervous. "But that was before I found Amalia" Rei added on. "If you don't mind me asking-" Gorgyra started but was cut off by Halina. "Me. It was me."

Will was shocked. His jaw hit the floor. He audibly gasped. His eyes were wide in disbelief. "How are you guys like, not feeling awkward around each other?" He questioned. Rei shrugged. "I was nervous about how she might've reacted so I tried to play it cool... I'm not sure, I guess it worked somehow? We talked like nothing happened the next day. I always wanted to ask if she was just faking it or something, if she was like- actually comfortable around me even though I had a crush on her. Though I'm aromantic, I can admire people right?" Gorgyra nodded.

Will was silent in shock.

(Can't write Halina's reaction cuz, I'm not Halina 👌)

Gorgyra was apparently pleased with Rei admitting her thoughts and then talking about camp drama for a few hours and allowed them to get inside the boat.

One door inside the boat the whispers in Rei's head doubled, louder and stronger. Not only is the constant begging for them to hurry up but now it was trying to get to go inside the river. She didn't deserve to be here anymore. She was part of the bad guys in the war. Why is she accepted? she tried to kill so many people. She wasn't worth it. She killed Maron, she nearly killed Halina, she- "Rei?" Will said. Rei looked in his direction. The voices getting silent. Only one loud one stayed. The voice telling her to hurry up. "Ignore the voices" Will said. Which was very hypocritical of him because he couldn't block his voices out. The voices of all the patients he lost. His siblings. He was a killer, a murderer. He wasn't supposed to be a healer. He can't heal.

Halina tried her best to fight the voices. It would t work, not a single happy thought would win the fight. Her mother's voice, telling her she isn't enough. Her dad's voice telling her she doesn't deserve to be his daughter.

Then she heard a hum. Looking up she saw Rei closing her eyes tight, humming a song. Will joined in, Halina, still confused just watched. She didn't know the song. Rapidly, the pain in their faces disappeared in relaxation. They looked at Halina expectantly. Halina thought of a random song she knew. But the only thoughts that came was the voices. Will tired to help by singing 'you are my sunshine' Halina joined in and the voices soon disappeared too. Singing together they were completely oblivious to the waterfall Infront of them.

"Please don't take my sunshine away

They tumbled through, gripping into the edges of the boat. "WE'RE GONNA FLIP!" Halina screamed. "HOW DID YOU AND NICO GET OUT OF THIS ALIVE?" Rei shrieked. "HE SUMMONED THE DEAD TO MAKE LIKE, A LADDER THING!" Will screamed in return. Rei thought, "MAYBE I CAN TRY?" she closed her eyes and focused. C'mon magic, work! Rei opened her eyes, which, by the way was glowing purple. She thought of a bridge. And a bridge made of rocks were created. With a thump they landed on it.

"Omigods Omigods Omigods we're ALIVE!" Halina shrieked in joy. Will laughed and collapsed on the the boat sighing with relief. Rei smiled and sat down. She was exhausted. A hand was suddenly on her shoulder. "You can go to sleep, it must've been tiring." Halina said. Rei nodded, laid down and closed her eyes.

Will couldn't stop laughing. So his sister had to smother him so Rei could sleep.

"Let's talk about Nico eh?" Halina said. Will sighed. "I don't even know what he's doing!"

Fear NOT fellow readers! I will show you! When we last saw Nico he was complaining about Amalia's ghost not telling him what happened to her! Let's see what happens now!

Nico got shook awake by Amalia. "W-What?" He mumbled. "Your dad wants to talk to you about something." Nico sat up groggily and rubbed his eyes. Kicking the covers off his bed he waddled over to the throne room. "Ahh. Pft- Nico, son. I would like to talk to you about a important matter. But I don't think I can. Please, get dressed and brush your hair." Nico obliged, too tired to snap back.

When he was actually fully awake. He went back.

"Arke is awake and her phantom in on the run." Hades said. Nico raised his eyebrow, "why... Does this concern me?" Nico asked. "Because her phantom is haunting one of William's companions." Nico gaped. "Wh-why? How?" Hades shrugged, that is why I will send you there as soon as I  can." Nico nods and leaves. 'if Arke is following Will and his group, they're already in big danger.'

Guys! I got and write much more then I expected to write! I wrote down the total of ... 1155 words!

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