breathless. || twenty nine.

20 1 4


"Bro it's just a little scratch, you're overreacting." Draco spoke.

Ainsley responded by stepping on his foot, causing him to wince.

" You're mad. " She heard him say.

" You're talking as if you just didn't cut my finger! " Ainsley yelled.

Cyno, who was applying some disinfectants on her finger, was startled by just how loud she could yell.

"I didn't do it on purpose! I mistook it for toast. " Draco stated.

" In what aspects do my fingers look like toast to you? "

" Well they're both dry. " He mumbled.

" The only thing dry is your lovelife! "

" Don't bring my lovelife into this! "

" Who's lovelife? " In came Nora with a frown.

Draco immediately fixed his posture, at which Ainsley scoffed.

" Ainsley, "

She looked at Cyno.

" This is gonna hurt a bit. " He said holding up some weird tube that Ainsley found strange.

Ainsley nodded, slightly hesitant. the disinfectant already hurt so bad and Cyno didn't warn her about it. If he warned her about this then the possibility of it hurting more than the disinfectant was high but it could also imply that-

Ainsley's head fell to her lap before she could even finish thinking. Her first observation was right, it did hurt.

A few seconds passed and Ainsley raised her head back up after noticing that it didn't hurt anymore. She was greeted by three concerned faces staring back at her.

"Am I dead?" She asked.

"Not yet." Cyno shrugged.

"Good. I was scared that I missed the chance to finish Jujutsu Kaisen." And she got up and walked away as if nothing happened.


"Is it over?" Cyno asked, his patience slowly draining away.

When Ainsley arrived at Cyno's room, he was studying for absolutely no reason at all, or at least according to Ainsley.

She had grown bored while waiting for him to finish, so she started playing among us to kill time.

But she soon got too intrigued and it was now Cyno's waiting for her to finish her game.

"Not yet." She mumbled, her fingers typing away words in the chat.

" How about now? "

" Still no. "

" When does it end? " Cyno had very little bit of patience left.

" When either they figure out that I'm the imposter and vote me out or I fool them and kill everyone. " Ainsley explained in the middle of faking a task.

Cyno watched for a couple of minutes, but it didn't seem like the game was ending anytime soon.

Another minute passed and now Ainsley killed someone and headed towards the vent.

Tomatoes. ➭ Cyno X OC [Hogwarts AU]Where stories live. Discover now