ily. || thirty one.

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Ainsley stared at the sky from the rooftop of her house. She missed this view more than she thought she did.

She watched as the Sun slowly, but surely, dipped into the horizon.

The sight of the sunset brought her more warmth than the cup of tea that she was holding.

She could not help but think of Cyno when she looked at the orange seeping through the clouds. She hadn't talked to him in more than a day.

But she could now since her parents weren't home.

She scrolled through her contact and there it was. She clicked on it and stared at the screen for a minute.

What if he's busy, she thought. Whilst she was caught up in a bunch of what ifs, her screen glowed up displaying a similar name. Ainsley's lips turned upwards into a huge grin.

'Cyno🥹💗' , the screen displayed.

Ainsley wasted no time and answered.

"Hey." She heard his perfect voice say.

"Hello." She greeted back

"Are you available to talk? I hope I didn't disturb." He said with a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm totally up!" Ainsley tried her best to not seem too excited but failed.

"You seem to be in a good mood." He let out a little chuckle.

"I was just about to call you, but you called first."

" You were? Why, did you have something to say? " Cyno spoke. He sounded relaxed and it was hot. (I'm sorry.)

" Not really.. I just wondered what you were up to." It has been a month since they started dating but Ainsley was still not used to the lovey dovey exchanges.

"Hm? I hoped that you missed me just like I did." That made Ainsley's heart skip a whole song.

"Well, yeah that too.." Ainsley spoke against her phone.

" How was your day? " He asked.

"Pretty fine. I got home, spoke with my parents for a bit before heading out in the afternoon with Sky and I did something. " Ainsley sounded nervous about the last part.

" What did you do now? " He was heard sighing.

"I and Sky got matching tattoos. " She mumbled. She was going to get in so much trouble with her parents and Cyno guessed that.

" But you're still young, what did your parents say? " He was worried, but was partially relieved that she didn't kill someone or something like that.

"It was just an impulsive thing.. They don't know yet, I don't think Sky's mom would tell them. I got it on my ankle anyway, they won't see it. " She muttered.

" Alhaitham was right, you seriously can't be left unsupervised. "

" Sorry... " Cyno was all about being well-mannered and abiding by the rules. She was nervous that he would be disappointed.

Tomatoes. ➭ Cyno X OC [Hogwarts AU]Where stories live. Discover now