darling. || thirty five.

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It had been two weeks since Ainsley hurt her hand. Which meant that it was time for her to stop bandaging it.

She was convinced that her hand healed like a week ago but Cyno was too worried and made her apply the best medicine ever created , Tighnari's words not hers, for a week longer.

And now, she could finally free herself from the bitter smelling herbs that she had to apply every day.

Ainsley slowly unwrapped the bandage. There was some residue of the medicine in her hands, which Cyno gently wiped off using a wet wipe.

And he was serious about not hurting her, too focused on being gentle with her hands though it had already healed a week ago.

"See, it's alright." Ainsley reassured Cyno. Over the past two weeks, he was a lot worried about Ainsley's hand, more than Ainsley herself.

When I tell you he was worried, he was WORRIED.

He did a lot of stuff to ensure she doesn't get hurt. He helped her carry books to class, helped her when she was struggling to eat, held the pages of books she was reading, and played YouTube videos for her even though she was completely capable of doing all that by herself.

"Just a few scars, no biggie." She eyes the faint lines across the back of her palm.

Cyno held her hand in her and studied it.  "Don't worry, these will fade in no time." He spoke on catching her expression.

" Oh no, I don't care. I have too many scars already, I don't mind having more. " Ainsley was chill like that. Some people made big deals out of minor things like scars, and went on about how they're unpleasant to look at.

But most of Ainsley's scars reminded her of a fun memory, as most of it were the results of just how wild Ainsley was as a kid.

There was this one time, when Ainsley was 7. She was watching Dora The Explorer, answering all the dumb shit the pink shirt wearing girl would ask. But soon Ainsley got impatient.

She answered so many fucking times but that blind chick would keep repeating the question. She thought Dora didn't hear her and seven year old Ainsley's first instinct was to go up to the tv and shake the hell out of it.

She held the tv and pulled on it. She didn't know what she had expected to happen but the tv fell. On her. Crushed her.

"And that's how I broke my arm." Ainsley chuckled thinking back.

"Seems like you were desperate to get Dora to her destination." Cyno walked to her and sat across her on her bed.

"Yeah, I didn't want her to miss her mom's birthday." Ainsley smiled at him.

Cyno took her hand again. He brushed his thumb over it, his eyes still locked with hers.

"You're amazing, Ainsley." He praised her. To Cyno, Ainsley was the bravest and strongest person in the world. She never put herself down, even when others tried to. Even if the others were people she loved and trusted with all her might, she prioritised herself. She made sure that no one disrespected her, and even if they did she laughed it off.

"You really are." He whispered. His grip on her palm traveled to her forearm, pulling her in.

He touched his lips to hers in no time. His hand went from her forearm to her waist, just to pull her closer. He couldn't get enough of her, never.

Ainsley let him do whatever. Her skin burned as his fingers traced it. It was getting hot, and it was almost November in a week. That's the kind of thing Cyno did to her. Even the impossible, he made possible with just one touch to her skin.

Tomatoes. ➭ Cyno X OC [Hogwarts AU]Where stories live. Discover now