serene. || thirty three.

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Ainsley watched Serene from her bed as Serene poured her heart out.

"I've just been feeling so low as of late." She began. "I don't even know if anyone's my friend anymore."

"You've got me, Serene. I'll be here for whatever you need me to." Ainsley gave her a little smile, and waited for her to continue.

"Paige, she- she is always telling me stuff like I'm intruding her private circle or whatever." Serene shrugged. Ainsley hummed to acknowledge her.

"And Sydney, she isn't true to me at all! She would talk shit about me the moment I'm gone. Only Raelyn is tolerable. " Serene went on.

It was obvious that she really needed to be listened to at that time. Serene seemed to have carried all of that pent up feelings over the last three years by herself and Ainsley was here to make sure that she doesn't have to go through it alone.

They were similar in a lot of ways. Just things like their personality and sense of humour fit perfectly with each other.

They were, pretty much, sisters from another mother. Or at least that's what it felt like to Ainsley. They had only talked properly the previous year and Ainsley almost swore that she never got along with someone that fast as she did with Serene.

And over time, as Ainsley learnt more and more about Serene, she began feeling the need to protect her as if she were a younger sister which she could very well be considering Serene was a few months younger.

As much as Serene and Ainsley were similar, they also had their differences.

Serene was more emotionally sensitive than Ainsley. So, things often took a toll on her mental health. Ainsley knew how it felt and that it isn't a good feeling.

So, she often looked out for Serene and would immediately act when someone does something that might potentially hurt her. This became quite a habit for her.

"and Avery and I barely talk anymore. It's exhausting, really." Serene breathed out. Her breath was heavy as though she just got everything off her shoulders.

But not everything, Ainsley knew that much.

It was burdensome, yes, but that was not everything Serene carried. There must of course be some parts that Serene was not voicing out. 

That was natural though. Ainsley, Iris, Carla and Nora have been friends for a long time. But there were still some things Ainsley was not comfortable enough to share.

Serene and her were just starting to get to know each other, so it made sense as to why Serene might not share anything and everything,

Ainsley was glad still. Glad that Serene felt cozy enough to speak her mind with her, even if were not a lot.

"Girl, honestly though, I think you should really cut ties with Paige and Sydney." Ainsley nodded, agreeing with herself. "I do not know about Rae but I highly doubt that she would choose you over Paige, it is almost like they are dating or whatever." Serene laughed at the last comment,

"It is not that easy to just let them go like that. Even if they made me feel terrible, i can not deny just how much happy memories I have made with them." Serene smiled a bitter smile.

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