adored. || thirty six.

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Cyno held Ainsley's hand, trying to make sure she doesn't get left behind in the crowds.

The said girl was looking around, commenting on this and that.

Draco had to remind her multiple times that they were at the mall for the sole purpose of getting Nora a gift.

"I know, I know! I already have something in my mind." Ainsley marched towards a well-lit store, which seemed like it was just open.

Cyno was pulled along with her while Draco lazily followed her into the store.

Ainsley strolled towards the aisles until she spotted one that Nora would squeal at. The coffee aisle.

"They have a separate aisle for coffee stuff?" Ainsley wondered out loud.

"Oh, I want to get her a mug." Cyno's voice caught Ainsley's attention.

She looked at him waiting for him to do something.

" What? You aren't going to go get it?" Ainsley frowned at his blank face.

"But you'll get lost if I let go. " He blinked. He was serious about that.

That comment only caused Ainsley's brows to lower further. " I'm literally going to be right here..? "

" I can't trust you, you might get distracted and run off. " Cyno shrugged.

" Likely. " Draco mumbled, observing a mug that had the words, 'you are stronger than you think. ' printed on it.

"She will break up with you if you get her something like that." Ainsley cringed at the mug.

"Why? She IS stronger than she thinks. I think it'll make a great present." Draco looked closer at the mug, wondering if he should settle with it.

" You will be ruining your relationship for sure if you get that." Ainsley walked a few steps, spotting something.

"Hey, she will like this." Ainsley picked up a Hedwig themed mug. She turned to Cyno, anticipating an opinion.

"I think so too. She likes Harry Potter." Cyno took the mug from Ainsley's hold and smiled at her. "I'll get this for her."

"Well, I'll get her a coffee machine then." Ainsley clasped her hands together, nodding to herself. "I've been telling her to get one and that it's more efficient but she never listens."

She turned on her heels, further into the aisle with Cyno trailing along, leaving Draco to his own devices.

She looked at all the different kinds of machines.

"This one is cute... But this one fits the aesthetic of her room better." Ainsley struggled to pick between two options before speaking, "Which one should I get?"

Cyno stepped forward to take a closer look. "I'd say this one."

He pointed at the latter of the two Ainsley mentioned.

Tomatoes. ➭ Cyno X OC [Hogwarts AU]Where stories live. Discover now