you have us. || thirty.

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"Why not just let me do it?" Nora frowned at Ainsley.

"I need a responsible person alright? Taking care of Kuro isn't as easy as you think?" Ainsley explained.

"How about Cyno?" Nora suggested.

"He is heading home for something too." Ainsley sighed.

" Alhaitham? He's responsible." Serene spoke.

" He's allergic. That eliminates Kaveh as well they are roomies after all." Ainsley struck out the names on her notebook.

" Tighnari? " Yet another name escaped Serene's lips.

" He worries that the tulips in his room might affect Kuro. " Ainsley said, thinking back on how one time a tulip bookmark she owned caused Kuro to end up at the vet.

That was one downfall of having cats, tulips were Ainsley's favourite flower but she couldn't even get near it for Kuro's sake.

" Carla? "

" She'd cook him for breathing too loud."

"That, she might." Nora pondered again.

"How about Draco?" She suggested again.

"He needs to be pet-sit himself, I can't trust him. " Ainsley shrugged.

" Can't you just take him with you?" Serene questioned.

"My parents have been saying that they should've never let me get Kuro in the first place." Ainsley looked up at her friends.

"They believe that Kuro was the reason I got close with Cyno, since I had him look after Kuro multiple times." She began explaining.

" If I take him with me, the chances are, they wouldn't let me take him back to school." She concluded.

" They're seriously still mad that you're dating him?" Serene exclaimed.

" Yeah, that's probably half the reason why they're making me visit. Cuz they know I won't during the break. " Ainsley looked back down at her list.

" Hey. " Draco greeted, sitting down beside Nora. Nora seemed to stiffen up at his presence.

"Can you take care of Kuro next weekend?" Ainsley asked him.

"I thought he was out of the options?" Serene blinked confusedly at Ainsley.

" I just thought about it. If I can take care of him, why can he? He's as bad as I am." She stated.

"That's true. You guys are the same person in different fonts." Andy spoke, waking up from her lil nap.

"Does he bite?" Draco looked at Ainsley, ignoring Andrea's comment.

"No, but he stares at you while you sleep."

"I can deal with that."

Tomatoes. ➭ Cyno X OC [Hogwarts AU]Where stories live. Discover now