Chapter 57: The Horrible Prank of Sirius

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It was midnight when Adelaide and Helena returned from Elizabeth's wedding and they were too tired and emotional to say good night to each other before they left for their own dormitories. When Adelaide returned, she saw Alice and Sarah lying on their own beds, fully awake, waiting for Adelaide to come back and recount her sister's wedding to them.

"So what was it like? You and Lena were flowers girls, how was that? Did you cry? Who was there and also-" Sarah's bombarding her was cut off when Alice chuckled: "Sammie, please she's too tired let her change and give her some space. Then she will tell us."

Adelaide thanked Alice and wore her nightgown and pulled down her hair from her bun and brushed then braided it into her usual braid.

"Well, Sarah i was the flower girl besides Helena and it was an intimate ceremony first held in a church then the celebration was held in our Summer home, the white villa that is."

"Who were your guests?"

"Besides us, my aunt and her husband and three children also arrived, Christian also attended wedding as Victoria's boyfriend, some of Elizabeth's friends were there, so were Philip's younger sister and parents with his uncle and wife and children. Narcissa was also there with Lucius and thankfully he was not a pain in the arse today. Some of Philip's friends were also there too. A few of our townspeople that we're close with were also there. Some 40 to 50 people i suppose."

"Did you get emotional?" Sarah asked as she looked Adelaide's face.

"Of course, i got emotional! She is my sister, that had lived with me for the first 15/16 years of my life. Seeing her happy and also emotional made me feel the same way. Victoria, she was finishing all of our tissues left and right, she was crying a river. My father, he was emotional too. Helena and Edmund the same. Her wedding was a sign that we're all growing up and nothing will remain the same." Adelaide said as she felt a tear roll down her cheek.

"Aw, it's ok." Alice said as she hugged Adelaide tightly as Sarah also joined them.


"What is it, James, that you had summoned us again to this bathroom?" Frank asked as he massaged his temple in annoyance.

James called a meeting with his Sirius, Peter, Remus, Frank, Somerset and Adelaide to talk about something that was important, in his opinion that is.

"Well, last night we four commissioned a map, an animatic one that shows everyone, animals, humans and ghosts; in every corner of the school grounds and we also added our own knowledge of secret passageways, it can truly help us with out midnight excursions. See! Padfoot would you do us the honour?"

"Of course. I solemnly swear i am up to no good." Sirius said as he pointed his wand to the map and the map opened revealing all of the school ground and everyone in it and all of them looked at it with awe.
"Mischief managed." Sirius said after they had all taken a good look at the map.

"That was beyond amazing! I only wish that you could at least try as hard in your schoolwork and examination." Somerset said with awe as James rolled his eyes.

"We also will call ourselves the marauders, if you want, we can also add you three to the map and our-"

"I rather stay out of trouble." Frank replied.

"We have to graduate so no, thank you." Adelaide said with a chuckle as Somerset nodded.

"Ah, party-poopers. Never mind, but this will help us greatly." Peter exclaimed.

"But we also charmed it to insult Snivellus, every chance it gets." Sirius added while laughing.

"Why don't you be the bigger person and let go of the feud?" Adelaide said with shock.

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