Chapter 58: Questions and Revelations

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"Everyone, i have teamed you up, based on scores and other things, with someone to work with the rest of the class and demonstrate your partial vanishment spell to each other. Evans with Potter..." Professor Mcgonagall stated.

"Brilliant, fantastic." Lily grumbled as she got up to sit beside Potter who was smiling ear to ear and ruffled his messy hair more.

"Hello Lily flower!"

"Shut it!" Lily said enraged.

"And your partners won't be changed so please put whatever differences you have with someone aside to work with them." Mcgonagall said as she discreetly eyed those two.

"Collins and Lupin..... Black and McKinnon.... Pettigrew and MacDonald.... Parker and Meadowes.... Longbottom and Fortescue.... Winchester and Somerset...."

"Oh no." Adelaide said that a bit too loudly and everyone turned to stare at her as she blushed slightly. Mcgonagall levelled her an appalled look and slightly rolled her eyes.

The marauders snickered and gave Somerset amusing looks as he made a neutral face. Adelaide groaned and got up to sit beside Somerset on the empty chair beside him. She made sure to put enough space between them as Somerset chuckled at the distance between them.

"Your struggles of ignoring me should be written in a book, Bluet." He said smiling a bit.

"Well, you don't have to act like i am the most pleasant person ever, Goldilocks. I hate fake people."

"Who said you're not a pleasant person, Adelaide? I, too, hate fake people and i promise i am not one of them."

"Oh, one thing i want to share before our demonstrations is that i learned how to cast patronus charm, mine is also a lion. Like my animagi." Somerset blurted suddenly.

"Well, congratulations are in order then, but i did it first, remember that." Adelaide laughed at his annoyed expression.

"It doesn't matter who did it first."

"Yes, it does."

"No, it doesn't."

"Let's start the demonstration, shall we? Who goes first?" Adelaide asked.

"Ladies first."

Adelaide only rolled her eyes playfully and did the spell perfectly and Somerset wasted no time to do the same thing.

"Well, that was easy. What shall we do next?" Adelaide asked.

"Nothing. We only needed to demonstrate the spell, besides us, everyone else is struggling, Adelaide, so I believe we have free time in our hands."

After awkwardly sitting beside each other in silence, he said: "I suppose it will be weird for us to stay silent like this for nearly an hour so let's do something else."

"What do you suggest then? Talking?" Adelaide said in a joking manner but he nodded and said: "Yeah, talking is good too."

"Well we can talk about the weather, OWLs, school, breakfast and-"

"No let's ask each other questions shall we? You start first. It can be about anything."

"Well, you're Canadian."
"No, actually both of my parents were english whose family relocated there before the muggle war, for safety and after their marriage, before having me, they came back, i am english through and through."

"Have you ever visited Canada?"
"Yeah, twice. Once i was very young and another time was two years ago."
"Oh." Adelaide answered.

"Your mother was German, right?"

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