109. Elena Is Sired To Damon?!

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Natalie's POV

"Okay, what happened to you? Why are you so pissed?" I ask Caroline as I sit beside her on her bed. After the pageant, the two of us decided to have a girls night, just the two of us but I've noticed she's been in slight mood since we got to her house. "You can tell?" Caroline asks, slightly shocked as she grabs some alcohol for us.

"We've been best friends since we were toddlers, Care-Bear. Off course I can." I nod, softly taking the glass from Caroline's hand. "Well, Tyler is busy with Hayley unsiring hybrids. And this whole Elena and Damon thing makes me sick. There's something wrong with her, Lee. I mean, you saw it today. She literally agrees with Damon on everything he says." She rambles.

"Yeah, you're not the only one who thinks that." I mumble, sipping my drink. "Like when she was concerned about your brother, but Damon told her not to worry about it, so she didn't." Caroline scoffs, taking a huge gulp of her drink. "And then the whole dress situation. She liked one dress but ended up agreeing with Damon, even though she hated the last one..." she trails off before me and her make eye contact, eyes widening as we piece it together.

"Holy shit!" We exclaim, realisation rushing through the two of us. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I question, hoping that what I'm thinking is wrong. "Are you thinking of what I think you're thinking? Elena was unable to drink from a blood bag..." Caroline starts. "Every vampire can do that." I conclude, proving we're both thinking the same thing.

"But Damon says she can only drink from the vein. So she does!" Caroline adds. "It was his blood that made her into a vampire!" I exclaim, standing up in astonishment. Standing up with me, Caroline nods her head. "Rare, but it happens." She utters before we go quiet, taking a minute to process the information. "Elena is sired to Damon." We declare, looking at each other in disbelief.


Stefan's POV

Walking up to Caroline's front door, flowers in hand, I knock on it gently, hearing movement from inside the house. A dishevelled looking Natalie opens the door, before leaning against it weakly. "You're early." She mumbles and I smile a little. "Morning to you too, baby." I utter before I look her over. "What happened to you?" I wonder.

"I just drank too much." Natalie informs lowly. "You sure?" I ask, placing the back of my hand onto her cheek, feeling her lean more into my hand. "You didn't get poisoned again, did you?" I worry and Natalie immediately shakes her head. "Nope. Definitely not. Just really hungover." She whispers before glancing behind her. "Let's go outside. I don't want to wake Care up and I need fresh air."

We step onto the porch and sit down before I hand Natalie her favourite flowers, red roses making a smile grace her lips. "Thank you. They're lovely." She says gratefully. "I'm sorry about yesterday, baby. I should've told you, he's your brother." I apologise. "I know you are, but it's okay." She tells me, grabbing my hand and linking our fingers together.

"I know Nik can be very pushy, everyone who's ever met him knows that. But please just be honest with me. I don't want to feel like you're hiding something from me." She utters. "I promise. And if it helps, I'll get you flowers everyday." I suggest and she chuckles softly. "Well, aren't you romantic?" She comments. "Care to join me back at home before school?" I wonder, admiring her dimples as usual.

"Hmm, I love her sound of that." She mentions. "What, our home?" I ask and Natalie nods. "Well, it is our home. So, is that a yes?" I ponder. "I don't know. Having Damon still live with us is a bummer." She jokes, pursing her lips. "Oh, that can be fixed, darling. He can be kicked out." I suggest and Natalie chuckles. "Then yes, I would love to go to our home."

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