135. The Honeymoon*

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Stefan's POV

"Figured out where we are yet?" I ask Natalie as she stares out the window of the car. All around people are dancing in the streets, music playing loudly making the car vibrate. "Mmh, by all the green, white and red flags, I'm gonna guess we're in Italy, by the coast." Natalie smiles knowingly and a grin spreads on my lips.

"You guessed correct." I tell her as the car pulls up outside a hotel that is sitting on the river front. Thanking the driver, me and Natalie climb out and I collect our bags out of the back. Natalie stands glancing up the hotel with a smile as I walk to a speed boat I rented, placing the bags inside.

"Laine." I call her and she spins around as I gesture to the boat. "Come on." I utter and she furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "We're not staying here?" She wonders, gesturing to the hotel and I shake my head. "Nope." I hold my hand out and Natalie places her hand in mine as I help her into the boat. "So, if we're not staying in a hotel, where are we staying?" She asks.

"You'll see soon, baby." I say slyly and Natalie narrows her eyes at me. I smile, starting the boat before taking off into the sea. The wind wraps around us as I speed us towards our destination. The moonlight shimmers down on the water giving it a mystical look. "It's so beautiful here." Natalie whispers and I smile. "Wait till you see where we're staying." I utter.

Turning the boat, I pull up to a private island with a secluded house in the middle of a rainforest. Pulling the boat to a stop, I climb out first and help Natalie climb out. She instantly takes her heels off and smiles when her feet hit the sand. I speed our suitcases into the house before walking back to my girl, seeing her looking around.

"Welcome to Island Natalie." I say and Natalie eyes widen as she quickly turns to me. "What?!" She exclaims as I walk over to her. "This is your Island, baby." I admit and she gapes at me in shock. "You brought me an Island?" She questions incredulously and I nod, smiling at the shock in her eyes. "This whole place belongs to you, Laine." I whisper.

"I love you." Natalie rushes out before she pulls my lips down into hers, kissing me deeply. I chuckle against her lips, returning the kiss. "I love you." I whisper back before I lift her up bridal-style making her squeal in laughter. "Carrying me over the threshold, Mr Salvatore?" She questions smiling in amusement as I walk us both through the door. "Yes, I am, Mrs Salvatore. I'm very traditional." I smirk as I gently place Natalie back onto her feet.

I grab our suitcases and lead Natalie towards our bedroom. She walks towards the set of doors that lead out to the beach and smiles softly. "It's so beautiful." She utters and I move behind her, lowering my head towards her neck. "Fancy a midnight swim?" I whisper, trailing my lips across her neck. "Yeah." Natalie nods, tilting her head to side subconsciously. "You go out there, I just wanna unpack quickly and then I'll join you." She tells me and I nod, pecking her lips softly before I start to walk onto the beach, undoing my shirt.

Natalie's POV

I grab my vanity bag and pull out my toothbrush, quickly brushing my teeth before taking my hair down, leaving it in its curls. I clean my face full of my wedding makeup, quickly moisturising my face after. Moving back to the bedroom, I start unpacking our clothes in the drawers when I come across a suitcase I don't remember packing. Pulling it up onto the bed, a smirk pulls at my lips when I see it's filled with lingerie.

"Caroline, you sneaky woman." I mumble to myself. I pick up a lace black teddie, holding it up as a smile forms on my lips. "Yeah, he's definitely going to like this." I utter before neatly placing it in the drawers, doing the same with all my other lingerie. I contemplate on wearing a bikini but then decide against it.

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