127. Qetisyah- Who?

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Natalie's POV

Caroline and Elena had informed me on what happened to Megan during the party and a memorial is being held for her. I'm a bit confused on why since she didn't really know anyone here but it's nice for whoever did plan it. I had my first class this morning, English Lit, and it went really well...

Except for the part where I kept dozing off because of my lack of sleep. Deciding to write some notes, I sit down on a bench outside, the shining sun beaming down on me, kissing
my skin. "I've been looking everywhere for you." I hear Silas suddenly say as he sits down next to me and I groan in annoyance.

"I am not in the mood." I growl and Silas chuckles. "I can't help but think that's my fault." He utters and I give him an 'are you being serious?' look. "Gee, you think?!" I reply sarcastically, slamming my notebook shut. "Oh, come on, beautiful. Be nice." He smirks and I glare at him.

"You really expect me to be nice when you're the reason I'm on my own and I keep having nightmares about the love of my life, begging me to help him?!" I question incredulously. "Okay, look. I admit I'm partly to blame-" Silas starts but I scoff, cutting him off. "You are to blame for everything!" I exclaim.

"Okay, I'll make you deal." Silas suddenly says and I narrow my eyes at him. "I'm not making any deal with you." I state firmly and he chuckles slightly. "Oh, you will." He says surely and I roll my eyes. "See, your fiancé is drowning, over and over again." He admits and I feel my heartbeat raise.

"If you ever want to see him again, I need something from you. Kathrine pierce, where is she?" He asks. "How the hell am I supposed to know? It's not like I keep tabs on the bitch." I scoff, rolling my eyes bitterly. "Tell me where Stefan is." I utter firmly. "You know, it's funny. The loyalty you and Stefan have for each other. Me and Alina weren't nearly half as loyal." Silas admits.

"That's because we are not you two. And you need to stop comparing me to a dead girl. Because it's sounds to me that she needed to grow some balls." I growl and Silas narrows his eyes at me. "Good luck finding Stefan." He teases before disappearing from my eyes.

I immediately grab my phone out of my bag and call Liz's number. "Hey, sweetie. Everything okay?" She greets softly. "Liz, I know where Stefan is." I rush out, feeling my heart break that I didn't realise sooner.


Stefan was going to drop Silas' body at the bottom of the quarry, meaning he had to be around here somewhere. "I know I promised to help you find him, but I can't dredge this entire quarry. It's enormous." Liz argues. "I really don't care, Liz. You can still try." I snap, anxiousness and worry filling me.

"We are aware of that, I mean, clearly. That's why we wanted to dump Silas' body here- because it's big and deep and no one would find him. Now, say I'm Silas, and I wanna take over my doppelgängers life, why wouldn't I dump him in a place that's big and deep, where no one would find him?" Damon comments to himself and Liz sighs.

"I already agreed to hold off on telling anyone about the mayors death until you've figured this all out, but I can't devote these all my sources to find someone who may or may not be down there." She tells us. "But it's a place to start, Liz. Come on, we've been looking all summer and now we have a solid lead." I argue and Liz's face softens at the pleading tone in my voice.

"If Stefan's down there, that means he's been drowning over and over again all summer, exactly like Silas was meant to. So please, Liz. I'm begging you." I say desperately and Liz nods. "I'll get some deputies on it." She promises and I sigh in relief. "Thank you." I utter gratefully and she gives me a soft smile before walking away from me and Damon, who's phone starts to ring.

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