111. Truth Or Dare*

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Stefan's POV

Wanting to make Natalie breakfast, I slightly shift underneath her but fail to move, feeling Natalie holding onto me tightly, leaving me no choice but to stay in bed and I was happy too. I sink back into the sheets, remaining by her side as I admire her sleeping features. Long lashes that brush against her cheeks and specks of freckles spread out across her nose.

Ruining the peaceful silence, my phone starts to ring and I rush to shut it off, hoping to let Natalie sleep some more but unfortunately, she shifts and starts to flutter her eyes open. She grabs my phone from the nightstand and answers for me. "Stefan's phone." She answers groggily, before burying her face in the crook of my neck.

"Who dares to interrupt our sleep?" I joke, running my fingers up and down her thigh which is thrown over me. "You guys missed a mandatory assembly. Where are you? I need your help with Tyler." Caroline declares. "School started?" Natalie mumbles making me glance at the alarm clock and see we are very late for school. "What assembly?" I inquire confused.

"You mean you don't know? Tyler's mom died. Everyone thinks her death was an accident, but we all know what really happened." Caroline informs and me and Natalie share a knowing look. "Klaus." "Nik." We both say in unison. "We'll be there soon." Natalie tells her and hearing Caroline ushered a quick thank you, the call ends. "Just when I thought we could have a normal day." Natalie mumbles.

I chuckle, standing up before stretching. "You're a rare hybrid, and I'm a vampire. This is normal for us, darling." I argue as Natalie climbs out of bed. "I guess you have a point." She agrees, pecking my lips gently. "I'll make us some coffee and then we'll go." She tells me and I nod. "I'm gonna hop in the shower quickly."

Natalie nods before going to walk downstairs but I gently snag her wrist and pull her back to me. "One more kiss?" Natalie raises her eyebrow at me as I give her a pleasing look and she sighs. "Fine, one more because we need to go." She says leaning up to peck my lips. But before she can step back, I step forward, chasing her lips, hungry for more.


Hand in hand, me and Natalie walk into the library, seeing Elena and Caroline sat at one of the tables. "What's going on?" Natalie asks and before one of the girls can answer, another familiar voice does. "Class is in session." Rebekah says as she walks in behind me with April following her.

Rebekah quickly grabs me and makes me look into her eyes. "Anything I ask you, you will answer truthfully and will not lie to me." She compels and I blink as she pulls back. "Beks, what the hell is going on?" Natalie interrogates but Rebekah ignores her. "You've all been compelled, except Ali. You know the rules. Ali, Stefan, sit down." She orders.

"Answer my questions honestly. No disobedience. No one leaves." She adds as me and Natalie sit down, me sitting in between Natalie and Elena. "April, my sweet, take notes. This is how you get answers in this town." Rebekah smirks. "What the hell is she doing here, Rebekah?" Natalie questions confused.

Believing Rebekah actually meant it, April pulls out a pen and notebook. "She didn't mean it literally, April." Natalie tells her, shaking her head which makes April looks to Rebekah for confirmation. "She's right, love. But now that I think about it, can you get supplies and start on a graphic organiser, please?" She asks. Nodding happily, April walks out of the library as me and Natalie share a look.

"Let's start with a little quiz, shall we?" Rebekah declares, walking around the table as she looks down at all of us. "In the year 1114, my brother learned, thanks to yours truly, about a brotherhood of vampires hunters with tattoos that grew with each kill. These tattoos revealed what? Elena?"

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