115. He's Gone

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Natalie's POV

I feel someone shaking me and I groan as I start to wake up. "Laine..." Stefan whispers as I sit up, feeling an ache in my neck. "What happened?" I ask confused. "Kathrine snapped our necks." Stefan informs me and I furrow my eyebrows. "Kathrine? What the hell is she doing here?" I question as Stefan helps me stand up.

"Baby..." he starts and I see the sad look on his face. "What? What's wrong?" I inquire anxiously. "I'm sorry." He whispers before leading me around the corner where a tombstone lays. I see Elena on her knees, sobbing as a body lays in front of her. Feeling my heartbeat raise, I walk forward and feel everything go numb when I see Jeremy on the floor.

His complexion has gone completely pale like he's been drained of blood. "Oh my god." I drop to my knees as tears instantly start to drip down my cheeks. "No, no, no. Jezza, no." I whisper in despair. My hands shake as I reach them out to cup his cheeks, his cold skin feeling unnatural under my hands.

"What- what happened?" I stutter, glancing up at Stefan and Damon who are watching us sadly. "Kathrine. She used Jeremy to get the cure from Silas. She drained him dry." Damon explains, guilt and sympathy held in his eyes. "Oh, god." I whisper lowly, endless tears streaming down my cheeks.

"He's going to fine. He's wearing his ring." Elena assures but I know the piece of jewellery won't bring my brother back this time. He's now a supernatural, one of the Five which the ring won't work on. He's gone for certain this time. My baby brother isn't come back. He isn't coming home with us.

Stefan's POV

"I love you, Jezza-Bear." Natalie says through her tears and I can her voice breaking making my heart clench in pain. "So, so much." She whispers before her eyes start flashing purple. "Stefan, get her out of here." Damon demands, also spotting her eyes. "What?" I question. "You need to get her out before she screams and brings the whole cave down." He warns.

I glance back at Natalie seeing her struggling to hold in her scream and I speed towards her, wrapping my arms around her before speeding the two of us out of the caves. When we get into the woods, Natalie pulls away from me and drops to her knees and lets out the most painful scream I've ever heard leave her lips.


The scream shakes everything around us, wind picking up as leaves and debris flow through the air. Cracks appear in the ground as I hold on to a tree next to me as pain radiates through my head making me grit my teeth. I watch Natalie's hair flow around her, the power flowing off of her as birds fly out of the trees due the vibrations.

Pain stops in my head as Natalie weakly drops forward, broken sounds leaving her lips as she sobs. I feel my own tears build up as I slowly walks towards her, pulling her up into my arms and I wrap them around her, holding onto her tightly. "He's gone." She whimpers heartbroken. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry." I whisper.

"I don't want him to go." Natalie cries as her breathing gets heavier. "I don't want to let my baby brother go. I can't." She utters, on the verge of a panic attack. Pulling back, I cup her face in my hands, hating the grief and brokenness in her usually bright eyes. "You don't have to let him go, baby." I whisper before she pulls away, anger written on her face.

"Why?" She grits out and I furrow my eyebrows. "Why what, Laine?" I ask confused. "Ugh! WHY HIM?!" She screams and suddenly the tree in front of her breaks in half and falls down flat to the ground. "Did you just do that?" I ask in shock, and Natalie gapes at me. "I think so." She whispers.

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