126. College

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Natalie's college outfit

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Natalie's college outfit

Natalie's POV

Three months later.

"Anything?" I ask Liz over the phone. "No. He's not here." Liz informs me and I sigh dejected. The whole summer me, Caroline and Liz have been looking for Stefan. Every location we've gotten has been a dead end. It's been agonising trying to find him while having to deal with Silas constantly bugging me. The man hasn't left me alone all summer.

Damon was helping us look but stopped after a couple weeks, leaving it down to me. I have barely done anything this summer because I've been constantly looking for the love of my life. Caroline and Liz have been amazing and have non-stopped helped me, and still continue to help me. I couldn't be more grateful for their help because if I was on my own, I'd be lost.

The only good thing about the summer, was Bonnie had managed to bring back Jeremy before she put the veil back up and went travelling with her mom for the summer. And I was so glad to have my brother back, and when he heard about Stefan, he tried to help but I told him no, that he needs to focus on himself and being back. He reluctantly agreed but has still been by my side if I couldn't sleep or had a nightmare about Stefan.

"We're not giving up, Nat. I won't do that." Liz assures me. "I know you won't, Liz. I just...I just want him home." I mutter softly. "We'll bring him home, sweetie. I promise." Liz replies and I nod. "Thank you for looking." I say gratefully. "Off course. I'll get looking on more locations and let you know." Liz responds before I hang up and run my hand through my hair.

Today was meant to be such a good day. We're all going to our college today but I'm just not feeling it. I look at my bags which are packed for my private dorm and sigh heavily. I compelled myself my own dorm because as much as I love the girls, I'm the only one who's engaged and when Stefan comes back, I don't want to spend time with him in a shared dorm.

Sighing heavily, I place my phone back into my pocket and grabs my bags. Glancing back to mine and Stefan's room one last time, I gulp down the lump in my throat before beginning to walk down the stairs, hearing Damon, Elena, and Jeremy rehearsing what he's going to say when he goes back to school and most of his classmates know he died.

"Here, sis. Let me help." Jeremy suddenly says, grabbing some of my bags from me. "Thanks, Jer." I reply lowly, as we place my bags by the front door, near Elena's. "Okay, there were issues at home. Ever since I lost my parents and my aunt, I've been acting out. Drugs, drinking and I was looking for attention, so I lit my house on fire and faked my own death." Jeremy recites back as Elena looks at him with a nervous look.

"Oscar worthy, Jer. Truly." I smile and Jeremy chuckles, playfully bowing making my laugh lowly. "You should really hit home about the whole drugs thing, and make sure to say that the fire was an accident." I suggest and Jeremy nods. "Or I could just not go back considering my school already had a memorial for me." He suggests, raising his eyebrow as he looks between me and Elena.

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