125. So, This Is Your True Form?

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Stefan's POV

Alaric and Lexi sit in front of us on the couch, me and Natalie sitting opposite them as we listen to Elena and Damon who appear to be arguing. Klaus had, thankfully, healed Damon free of werewolf venom and now, he's back to his old sarcastic self. Suddenly, a slap rings out through the house making us all hiss.

"Geez, I felt that." I mumble. "Yeah, I taught her that swing." Alaric smirks proudly. "You don't need to be taught how to slap Damon. He's just got one of those faces that you wanna slap, like from the moment you meet him." Natalie utters making the three of us laugh.

"I think we should stop listening. It's getting annoying." I grumble, running my hand up and down Natalie's thigh as Lexi pouts. "Hey! I'm on short time here. Don't rob me of what little joy I have." She complains just as Elena walks into the living room. "Nat, we're Jeremy?" She asks Natalie.

"He went to see Bonnie. He'll be back later, before...well, you know." Natalie explains lowly and Elena nods. "Okay. Um, can we talk for a second?" She asks timidly and Natalie sighs before nodding. She pecks my cheek before standing up and walking away with Elena. "Well, that could get interesting." Lexi smirks.

"Hopefully, Elena doesn't say something to piss Natalie off." I utter. "So, the other side...not exactly a party, is it?" Lexi suddenly asks. "I've lived...better." Alaric replies, the two of them falling into their own conversation. "You know there's something else out there, right?" Lexi mumbles.

"There has to be. Silas' whole agenda was to find peace with his true love, and whatever 'peace' is...it's out there. I figure once we've served our time for all the bad things we've done, then it's just about letting go, moving on." She explains. "And how are we supposed to do that when the knuckleheads care about can't seem to keep their lives straight?" Alaric questions and I look at him in offence.

"One of those 'knuckleheads' is sitting right here." I speak up and Lexi and Alaric chuckle at me. "Yeah...you and Damon are the biggest two of them all." Lexi smirks as Alaric snorts. "You got that right." He agrees. "Okay, I'm going to find my girl because she's the only one who always nice to me." I mumble before walking out of the living room, hearing them laughing.


"Laine, why are we at a tattoo shop?" I question Natalie as we get out of the car. "Because I thought it would be very cute if we got matching tattoos." Natalie informs me and I smile, immediately liking the idea. "What was you thinking we'd get?" I wonder as I hold open the door for her to walk in first.

"I was thinking we get 'Always and Forever.' Our saying." Natalie suggests and my smile widens. "I love it." I utter. "Really? You're not just saying it because I want it done?" She asks, raising her eyebrow at me. "No, I'm not just saying it because you want it done. I think it's perfect." I tell her and she smiles excitedly.

"Good because I've already booked the appointment and told them what we want." She admits sheepishly and I chuckle amused. "Off course you did." I mumble as the tattooist calls us over. Getting situated in our chairs, Natalie's tattooist asks her where she wants it and she points to the space under her elbow on her left arm.

"You want it in the same place as your girls?" My tattooist asks and I nod my head. "Yeah." I utter and he nods, getting everything ready. "What made you think of this, baby?" I ask Natalie who shrugs lightly, watching the tattooist place the stencil on her arm. "I don't know. It just came to me a couple of days before graduation." She answers. "We should've down this sooner." I tell her.

"Yeah, we should've off." Natalie agrees. "Okay, you ready?" The tattooist asks her and she nods eagerly. "This shouldn't take to long." My tattooist tells me and I just nod, watching the excited look in Natalie's eyes. "Why do I feel you're gonna get more tattoos after this one?" I ask and Natalie smiles at me cheekily. "Who knows? Maybe I will."

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