114. The Island

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Natalie's Outfit

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Natalie's Outfit

Stefan's POV

Shane is easily the most excited out of all of us to be on the island. His enthusiasm is soaring through the roof at the thought of proving Silas actually exists to all of us. It was like his entire life's purpose was to find the so-called myth.

Everyone starts to unload their gear and I glance up, seeing Natalie looking around cautiously as she stands right next to me. "You're making that face again." I comment, diverting her attention away from the environment. "What face? I have one face." Natalie inquires, furrowing her eyebrows at me.

"You're making that face when you feel like something is going to go wrong." I explain, spotting the way she rubs her hands. Pulling off my gloves, I grab her left hand before sliding the glove on and then doing the same to the other hand. "I'm not sure what it is, but something doesn't feel right." Natalie replies anxiously. "I don't trust Shane, Stefan. There's something he's not telling us."

"We're going to be fine, baby." I assure her, watching the way her cheeks flush from the cold. "I know we will." Natalie mumbles, wrapping her arms around my waist, her hands sliding beneath my jacket. "Finding the oldest, craziest person in the world always leads to good things, doesn't it?" She utters sarcastically. "Yes, it does!" I joke.

"Stop doing coupley things while I glare at Elena." Rebekah scolds, not breaking her stare. She makes sure her stare is directly at Elena who for sure can feel her disdain. She's on her way over to Damon, lugging her pack over her shoulder. "It's distracting me." Rebekah grumbles. "Glaring doesn't help, Rebekah." I remind her, wrapping my arm around Natalie's shoulder as she leans her head on my chest.

"Actually, I beg to differ, babe. It does wonders for people you can't stand. One look and they stay away all day." Natalie comments and I look down at her, raising my eyebrows. "What? It's true." She shrugs innocently. "She's right." Rebekah nods in agreement. "And why should I stop? She killed my brother and tried to get you two to dagger me. She's lucky that all she's getting is the evil eye."

Aggravated, Elena halts in her step. "You know I can hear you, right?" She calls out. "You know I don't care, right?" Rebekah replies. Setting her pack down, Elena relies on her impulse and speeds over to Rebekah with a white oak stake in her hand. With ease, Rebekah throws Elena go the ground, amused by the petty attempt to end her life.

"Go ahead. Try and kill me. But then you'd have to face your real problems. Like the fact that Stefan and Ali invited me here themselves." She goads. "That was fucking stupid of you." Natalie comments as Elena jumps up from the ground with a frustrated look on her face. "You're a newbie vampire, Elena. You've got no chance against an Original." She adds before the two of us walk away.


"Is anyone else a little creeped out?" Elena suddenly asks as we walk through the woods. "Then leave. Out of everyone, your presence is the least necessary." Rebekah digs. "Don't start, Rebekah." I remind her. "I'm merely staying facts. Jeremy has the map on his body. Bonnie is the witch that unseals the cure. Shane is the human compass...."

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