June (Avatar : The Last Airbender)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

At a tavern somewhere in the Earth Kingdom, a well kept man walks in and orders a drink before sitting down next to a raven haired girl he's all too familiar with.

This man is named [Y/N], one of the best bounty hunters in the world.

Once the bartender hands him his drink, [Y/N] downs it instantly before speaking to the woman next to him.

[Y/N] : I must say, you're a difficult person to track down, but I've finally found you....June.

The woman now revealed to be named June turns to look at him with an amused smile on her face.

June : Well, I wasn't exactly trying to hide from anyone [Y/N]. How have you been doing by the way? It's been a while since we last saw each other. Let me guess, you're here because there's some kind of bounty on me right?

She asks him nonchalantly as he chuckles.

[Y/N] : Not exactly. While I am on the hunt, you're not my target June.

June : Really? Because when you walked in, it seemed like you were looking for me. What, did you just miss my company or something?

[Y/N] : You're as sharp as ever I see. To be blunt, I need your help.

June : One of the greatest bounty hunters needs little old me to assist him? Ok, now you've caught my interest. Fill me in on whatever it is you want me for.

[Y/N] : I've been hired to track down a thief who stole something important from the king of Ba Sing Se. My assignment is to apprehend this person and return with him and what he stole.

June : Tch. Sounds incredibly boring and easy. Why do you need my help for a job like that?

[Y/N] : Because this thief isn't just some common lowlife, he and I have ran into each other several times now, and he's gotten the best of me every time.

While not outwardly showing it, hearing this really shocked June as no one has ever managed to escape from [Y/N] before.

June : Alright, what makes you think I can be of any help to you then?

[Y/N] : Because everyone knows you are the best bounty hunter when it comes to tracking people, thanks to that shirshu of yours.

June : True. Nyla is incredibly adept at following a target's scent, but she needs to have a trail to follow in order to do so.

[Y/N] : Good thing I have this then.

He pulls out a piece of ripped cloth and shows it to June.

[Y/N] : This was part of my bounty's tunic when he and I encountered each other last. When I found it on the ground after he evaded capture once again, I knew this could be what I needed to put this game of hide and seek to an end. So, can Nyla use this to find him, no matter where he's hiding?

June : Of course she can. Tell me, why exactly should I choose to work with you [Y/N]?

[Y/N] : Let's just say that the king is so desperate to get back what was stolen, that he offered a very generous reward for this bounty.

June : How much are we talking about here [Y/N]?

Smirking, he leans in and whispers the amount into her ear, causing June's eyes to light up as [Y/N] pulls away.

[Y/N] : Help me turn him in and I'll split it with you 50/50. Do we have a deal June?

June : How can I be sure you won't double-cross me at the last minute?

[Y/N] : You of all people should know that I'm a man of my word. Unlike other bounty hunters, I have some semblance of honor.

June : Fair enough. Well then [Y/N], I'll agree to being your partner on one condition?

[Y/N] : What? The money isn't enough for you?

June : Oh it definitely is, but there happens to be something else I want.

[Y/N] : And that is?

She moves closer to him so that her face is super close to his.

June : You.

This causes the usually calm and collected [Y/N] to blush profusely.

[Y/N] : W-what?!

His reaction causes June to break out into laughter before she regains her composure.

June : Ha! Your face is sooo red right now [Y/N]. But seriously though, I want you to be mine.

[Y/N] : D-don't tease me like that woman! Also, I never knew you were romantically interested in me.

She simply shrugs and finishes off her drink.

June : What can I say? You're my type, and in our line of work, you don't have much competition [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Gee, thanks.

He tells her sarcastically as she shakes her head.

June : Don't take it that way [Y/N], I meant it as a compliment. Truth be told, I've had an attraction to you for a while now, I've just been waiting for an opportunity to present itself. So what'll it be [Y/N]? Wanna be partners in more ways than one?

[Y/N] : ........I'd like that.

His response causes June to smile as she kisses him on the cheek before getting up.

June : Good to know. Ok, stud, ready to go catch this thief? No matter how often he escapes or where he goes, Nyla will find him.

[Y/N] : I am always ready.

June : Then let's get started. I love you [Y/N].

While at first shocked to hear her say this, [Y/N] smiles and hands her the piece of cloth.

[Y/N] : I love you too June.

The two bounty hunters share a quick kiss before exiting the tavern before setting off on Nyla to find this elusive thief together.

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