Fantina (Pokémon)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

: = Dialogue

Team :




Now let the story begin.

Right outside the Hearthome City gym, a man lets out a sad sigh as he locks eyes with a young trainer he assumes came for a gym battle.

[Y/N] : Sorry kiddo, the gym leader isn't here at the moment. Come back tomorrow ok?

He tells the young boy, who has a look of disappointment on his face.

Challenger : Aww, but I really wanted to have a battle now. Oh well, guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow.

Feeling bad for the boy, [Y/N] gets an idea.

[Y/N] : Hold on a sec! I may not be able to give you a gym badge if you win, but if you're itching for a battle, how about taking me on?

This immediately lifts the kid's spirits as he looks at [Y/N] excitedly.

Challenger: Really?! That would be awesome! Umm, who are you by the way?

[Y/N] : Me? I'm [Y/N], the gym leader's husband. Once again, sorry you can't have your match today.

Challenger : It's ok. If you don't mind me asking, where is the gym leader right now?

[Y/N] : Well....

His mind flashes back to earlier that morning.


[Y/N] : What?! Fantina , you're seriously entering a contest right now?

He asks his wife, who simply nods in response.

Fantina : Oui. I haven't entered one in quite a while, so it's about time I do so non?

[Y/N] : But what if you have a challenger come to the gym while you're gone?

Fantina : They'll just have to come back tomorrow. That's not too much to ask for is it?

[Y/N] : .....I suppose not. Well then, good luck in your contest dear.

His purple haired wife smiles and kisses him softly on the lips before pulling away.

Fantina : Merci [Y/N]. I'll be at Hearthome's Contest Hall if you need me. See you when I get back mon amour!

With that, she heads off to enter the contest, leaving her husband to watch over the gym.

Flashback End

[Y/N] : Let's just say she had....prior commitments. Enough about that though, ready to start our battle?

Challenger : Yeah!

[Y/N] : Heh, that's the spirit! Follow me.

Heading inside the gym and taking their positions on the battlefield, [Y/N] explains the rules to his younger opponent.

[Y/N] : This will be a 3 on 3 battle. I figured this would be good practice for your battle with my wife tomorrow, so show me what you've got!

Challenger : Yessir! Go, Bibarel!

He sends out his normal/water type.

[Y/N] : My turn. Gliscor, come on out!

Challenger : We've got this Bibarel! Use Surf!

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