Looking Out For You (Part 2)

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Aris’s P.O.V

I still don't believe her. Y/E/N was honestly the best person that I had ever met. She was sweet, and she felt outcasted the way that I had. I mean people would still glare at her when she passed like she did something wrong, sometimes not so subtly whispering to their friends.

I just don't like the way Y/N won't really look at me. She won't even look at meif Y/E/N was near. If she needed something Sonya or Harriet would get it. It was like she was scared of her. I’m just not sure why. Y/E/N is honestly amazing.

The only thing that I don't like is that she's touchy, and I’m just not, and definitely not in front of others. She gets sort of defensive when I don't want to kiss her, but it's really not anything bad.

Sometimes though, she drained me. Really, really drained me. I never thought that I would be up all night because of hurting someone's feelings, especially when I wasn't feeling that well, but there's a first time for everything.

“Aris, Aris, wake up,”Someone repeated, gently shaking me. Groaning and opening my eyes, I saw Y/N leaning over me.

“Are you okay? You’ve never slept in before.”

“Sorry,”I apologized, trying to sit up only for her to gently push me back down.

“Are you sick? You look paler than usual,”She pointed out, putting her hand over my forehead. “You're a little warm,”She mumbled to herself.

“I’m fine,”I promised.

“Maybe, but I don't want to risk it. I think that you should stay in today.”

“But I have to get up.”

“Your health means more than any job. I’ll stay with you today and make sure that you're okay.”

“You have to look after the Spring though,”I pointed out.

“Harriet can do that. It'll survive one day without me.”

“Y/E/N will be mad if I don't show up. I’m supposed to be with her today.”


“She can survive one day without you.”

“She's mad at me though so-”
“So you have to spend all day with her to fix it?”She finished.

“Yeah. How’d you know?”

“I already told you, and you didn't believe me.”

“No, but-”
“I didn't come here to fight, okay? So you lie down, and I’ll be with you in a moment.”

“Where are you going?”

“Don't worry about it. I’ll be back, okay?”

“Yeah. Okay,”I nodded, curling up under my blanket. With a small smile, she rubbed my shoulder for just a moment before leaving, making me return one without even realizing.

Your P.O.V

I'm going to kill her. I’m actually to murder her. Just where nobody can see.

Looking at her section, I unsurprisingly found her alone. Taking a breath, I kept my hands in my pocket to avoid touching where she had hit me. She wasn't allowed to know how much that affected me.

“Y/E/N, I need to talk to you,”I said calmly, walking up to her. With an eye roll, she gestured for me to speak. “Not here. It's a very private topic,”I said firmly. With another eye roll and a sigh she stood up. Nodding my head, I lead her away from the other girl's and into the Deadheads. For some reason, she didn't seem to worry, but that's good. It's good to catch her off guard.

When I knew we wouldn't be heard, I spun around and kept her trapped between me and the tree. When she tried to kick me I pulled my knife out and pointed it at her, immediately making her stop moving altogether.

“I know who you actually are. I know how you treat people. I know how you’ve been treating Aris, but you’re not going to bother him. I can't just make you two break up, and I won't, but today you're going to leave him alone. You're not going to demand attention or accuse him of anything. Got it?”

“I never accuse him of anything,”She lied.

“Do you think I haven't heard you whining about him obviously not caring about you because he doesn't want you to hang all over him in public? Because I have, and it's disgusting. I can't change that though. I can't make him see you for who you are, but I won't let you bother him right now. He’s not feeling well, and you’ll make it worse. So don't talk to him, don't look at him, don't even think about him until he's better. Do you understand l?”I asked slowly, putting the very tip of my knife to her throat.

“Yes,”She agreed in a squeaky voice.

“Good. Now go do your job, and don't you ever tell anyone about this. They wouldn't believe you, but I will find out, and I will banish you for all you’ve done,”I promised, dropping her to the snow. Not bothering to give her any more of my time or energy, I left to the Nurses station to get what I needed to help him today.

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