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Aris's P.O.V

I tried. I tried to forgive her. I tried to brush past it. I tried, I tried, I tried.

It was stupid. It was a mistake. She was angry. I know that. She was angry and wasted. She was so wasted that she probably blacked out halfway through the argument. 

I know that there was some truth to her words. I can be overbearing. I can be clingy. I know that. 

I just never thought that she minded.

I had to drag her out of the bonfire when she almost fell in. She complained the entire time, telling me to just screw off and that I never let her do anything.

I can be overbearing. I can come off too strong. I can be bossy. I know that. 

She didn't have to insult me though. She didn't have to complain that I can't just leave her alone in front of everyone. She didn't have to roll her eyes as I literally helped her stumble in the door.

You shouldn't escalate situations when someone's that drunk, but I couldn't take it. All I wanted was for her to drink some water. Seeing as she was slurring her words and leaning on the walls just to stand yeah. I'm going to want them to do something to help.

She argued with me about that too, but I bit my tongue until she drank it before rolling her eyes again. 

Another thing is that she smelled awful. Like smoke, straight liquor, and something I couldn't recognize. So I just tried to change her shirt, in hopes that the sheets wouldn't end up smelling the same way. While I could wash them, and was going to anyway, I just wanted it to be easier. 

She fought me there too. 

I should have left. I really should have just walked away so I could take my spot on the couch. 

It was relatively small, but I could only take so much. When she slapped my hand away while mumbling something incoherent I just asked if she could stop being so difficult, if for five minutes she could let me help. 

That set her off. It really set her off as she screamed for me to fuck off. And that set me off. It really set me off as I just yelled that I was trying to help.

It somehow escalated. For the first time too. We don’t scream at each other, but when she called me controlling, I was done. So I packed a bag. She asked if I was going to Y/N’s house but said her name wrong. Through gritted teeth I corrected her. When she told me that I could go marry her if I loved her that much I walked away without a word.

I knew deep down that wouldn't end well. She already didn't like Y/N. She said that we were too close, but that wasn't fair. Y/N was my best friend in the Maze. She was my best friend at WCKD. She was my best friend in the Scorch. She was my best friend in the Safe Haven. She is my best friend so I wasn't going to stop talking to somebody who had been there for as long as I could remember.

Yes. I did end up on Y/N’s doorstep. Yes. She did invite me in with open arms. Yes. She did tell me to stay as long as I needed. Yes. We did stay up all night after she made tea and sat beside me.

After ranting the conversation turned to something more lighthearted. She took my mind off of it as she started showing me new seashells she collected. She even gave me one. From there, she let me ramble about things people would think were stupid. Not her though. Never her.

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