The Sidewalk Rule (AU)

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Aris’s P.O.V

My Y/N is, how do I put it in a way that makes sense? I guess, easily distracted. I'd go as far as to say to an almost dangerous extent. I don't think that I’ve ever met anyone run into a pole while looking directly at it, but she exists so I have.

That's also a good thing though. At least I think so, and I assume that she does too. If I hadn't seen her run into that pole I wouldn't have helped her up and asked if she was okay. She wouldn't have taken my hand and said yes. We wouldn't have kept walking that same direction, talking about random things. She wouldn't have stayed the night because she walked past her house while talking to me and also left her wallet on her counter that morning.

She's not an airhead. She's one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met. She can explain the most advanced novels to the point where anyone could understand it. Or at least the basics, depending on how simple she has to make the summary. She always knows what's going on in the world, which just busies her head even more. She's creative with that though. She writes all the time to get it out of her system. Sometimes it's all over the place but has this fascinating way of putting pieces of things together that you didn't know could correlate. Other times, it's all perfectly aligned, as if she's turning in an assignment. Both though, are just gateways to what she's like.

There are obviously a million other things to love about her, her kind nature, her cheerful yet reserved personality, her bright grin, her genuine compliments, the way she sees the slightest change in people, how she has this natural charm, her soft eyes, and just everything. I’m getting off track though.

Still, that doesn't change the way her head works, and I don't want it to. I want my bright, pure hearted, positive Y/N. She just evens me out. While she’ll never just walk up to someone she's fine talking to them if they approach her. I lost her one time during Sonya’s birthday party. When I found her on the front lawn with a few others, she was being hugged by someone before they left. I thought that was her friend or something, but she had just met the girl. She was just so likable that the girl didn't even remember that. What's crazy is that they never even saw each other again.

I would never be able to talk to a stranger like that. I have no desire to either. I’m content with the people I have, and to be fair, so is she. She's just so approachable that people want to know her.

She's still a rambler though.

Crossing the street, I listened to her tell me about her favorite musician. Nodding along, I spotted the way she was gradually moving to my other side without realizing. By the time we were on the sidewalk she had completely switched us so that she was by the cars.

Like always when this happened, I just kept listening as I took her hand. With her closer to my side, I subtly switched us so that I was closer to the street again. Not noticing, she just kept her hand in mine, slightly swaying our arms as she did.

“Anyways, that's why you should always sleep. It'll screw your head up, which you probably knew. Not that you're screwed up or anything. You try, and it usually works. You're most likely an insomniac though, but melatonin thankfully knocks you out,”She said, having moved on to a new topic.

“You sleeping beside me is my melatonin,”I joked (not really).

“That’s probably because cuddling actually can help you sleep. It releases oxytocin which is like a love chemical for your head. That chemical reduces stress which is one of the most common reasons people’s sleep cycles get mixed up.”

“Maybe, but I honestly think that it's just you,”I promised.

“I love you too, Aris,”She sighed, her mind racing again as she tried to move. Nudging her back to her original position, she still didn't notice, and I still didn't tell her. I just kept her hand in mine while knowing that I could listen to her talk for hours.

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