Right Here

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I didn't like being completely alone in my Maze. At least, when it comes to my room. I just don't understand why they couldn't put Aris and I together. After all, we’re all that we have left.

With a sigh, I took a breath before turning on my side only to see someone looking at me. As I went to scream they put their hand over my mouth and their finger to their lips. With my vision adjusting to the dark, as my heart stopped racing I was able to recognize his bright blue eyes, dark eyebags, and freckled face, still in his pajamas.

“Sorry,”He whispered, pulling his hand away.

“What the hell is wrong with you? How long have you been here?”

“I literally just showed up when you turned around. I just wanted to see you.”

“You can see me without giving me a heart attack,”I grumbled, crossing my arms as I glared at him.

“I’m sorry,”He whispered, fidgeting with his hands. Looking at him, my face dropped as I heard the shakiness in his voice. “I just really needed to see you again. I had to make sure that you were safe. You're all I have left, and I need you to stay. I need you here.”

“Aris, I am here. I’m right here,”I promised, sitting up and patting the spot next to me. Accepting it, he leaned his head on my shoulder as I took his hand and kissed his fingertips. Like usual, they were absolutely freezing. His hands just don't seem to know warmth on their own.

Wrapping them in mine, I lightly squeezed them as he buried his head a little more in the crook of my neck.

“I’m right here, Aris. I’m right here,”I swore.

“You promise?”He whispered in my ear, his skin being cold to the touch.

“I promise,”I nodded, wrapping my arms around him and kissing his temple. “Let’s sleep for a little bit now, okay?”

“Okay,”He whispered again. Laying down, I put the covers over us as I pulled him close and kept his hands in mine. Feeling him still shivering, I rubbed his arms and pressed small kisses to his neck.



“If we don't make it out, I love you.”

“Don't say that. We’ll make it out. Both of us,”I swore, cupping his face before brushing out his hair.

“I want to believe you. I do, but I’m not sure how. This is just, this entire thing is just wrong. We're supposed to be safe, and now it's worse. Just as I thought that you and I could be safe together it gets taken away, and nobody else even knows. I just want us to be okay, and we never seem to be. Just as we think we are, it gets torn away,”He whispered, taking a shaky breath.

“I know, but when we escape we will be okay. Do you understand? We’ll be free, just the way we had dreamed of,”I reassured him.

“Can you tell me about our future again? Please?”

“Of course,”I agreed, putting my arm around his shoulder. Resting his head on my shoulder, he kept his eyes on me as I trailed my hands up his arm.

“First, we’re going to get to whatever safe place Sonya and Harriet are at. We’ll reunite with them and all be happy,”I started, glancing at him before continuing. “We won't have a wedding, but we'll make special bracelets and never take them off. We’re going to move in together. We’ll fall asleep beside each other and start our day the same way. Then, we’ll have one or two kids. We’ll take care of them and love them and show them the difference between a house and a home. Life will be nothing but happiness. It will be everything that we dreamed of,”I envisioned, looking over to see that he had fallen asleep with a smile on his face.

“We’ll be okay, Aris. We'll be okay,”I whispered, kissing his temple. Keeping him close, I wrapped the blankets as tightly over them as they could be to give him some sort of warmth. Promising that I would be by his side for everything, I then fell asleep right next to him.

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