Not For Show

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Aris's P.O.V

The Safe Haven was interesting. Seeing the way so many different people interact like they haven’t been through hell can almost be surreal at times. Some days, it’s hard to trust that this place actually exists.

There are always calmer times though. Times of peace and without the urge to do something. I like those the best.

A good example would be right now. Just me sitting under a tree with Minho, Fry, Thomas, and Gally.

“It's miraculous to me that I’m single, and you're not,”Minho sighed, looking over at Thomas. He just gave a shrug and chose not to make a remark about his and Brenda's relationship. Honestly, that's probably the smartest move.

“It's always him. Meanwhile, the rest of us are struggling to get a girl to look our way,”Fry tried to say.

“Uh, are we though?”I asked.

“Yeah. I mean who else in this group is with someone?”He shrugged.

“Me,”I answered.

“You?”Gally asked.

“Yes. I have a girlfriend,”I shrugged.

“Nu uh,”Minho argued. Why he was arguing with me about my life is a mystery, but life is full of those.

“Who?”Gally interrogated.


“Y/N?”Thomas asked, also turning his head to stare at me.

“Yes. Y/N.”

“Y/N, Y/N?”

“Do we know any others?”I pointed out.

“You two are not dating,”Minho scoffed.

“Good to know you're invested in my life.”

“How long have you even been together?”Thomas kept pressing.

“Exactly five years in a week.”

“Five years?!”He whisper yelled, seeming to find this information impossible to take in. Now I kind of wish I would have just kept my mouth shut.

“There's no way. Someone would notice if you were together,”Minho debated.

“We have literally lived together for three years now,”I reminded them.

“Everyone thought you were just super close roommates. I mean you don't kiss, you don't hold hands, you don't put your arm on her waist. How is that even possible?”

“Maybe we're just respectful enough not to show PDA 27/7,”I shrugged.

“The only PDA you two have is aggressive eye contact, but I thought y’all were just telepathic or something,”Fry admitted.

“How do you come up with a superpower before a relationship?”I pointed out.

“I don't know. Maybe because neither of you ever said anything? You never told us this,”Gally reminded me.

“You never asked,”I shrugged.

“So what do you do when you get jealous?”Minho integrated.

“This super cool thing called communication. You know? That thing that builds trust and respect?”

“Okay, but what if you did want to hold hands?”Thomas chimed in.

“Then, we hold hands where nobody will notice.”

“But what if you got married? You're just going to throw that at everyone?”Fry added.

“That all depends if she says yes tonight.”

“Excuse me?!”

“Yeah. I already have the ring,”I shrugged.

“Nu uh,”Minho kept arguing. With a sigh, I pulled the small box out of my pocket.

“No! No way you're just casually getting marr-”
“Shhhh,”I hushed, clapping my hand over Thomas's mouth. Nodding my head towards the left, they saw Y/N a few yards away. Stopping for a moment, I kept my gaze on her as she laughed with Sonya before slightly turning. I gave her a soft smile which she returned. She nodded at me, and I nodded back before she went to talking and walking with Sonya again.

“Hmmppp,”Thomas said, reminding me that other people exist. Pulling away, I wiped my hand on my shirt before leaning back against a tree.

“You know what? It is kind of obvious now,”Gally admitted.

“Yeah. I’m pretty sure roommates wouldn't share a bed,”Minho shrugged.

“How the hell do you know that we share a bed?”I asked, turning to look at him.

“Thomas told me.”

“Gally told me,”He instantly defended.

“Frypan told me,”He rushed out.

“How do-”
“My break's over. See you shanks later and uh, good luck with tonight,”He said in a millisecond, already up and running off. With a sideways glance, I made a mental note to get several locks for every door and window in our home. Just as a precaution.

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