My Hero (Part 2)

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Aris’s P.O.V

All day I had been waiting for her to get back from her adventure on the Maze walls. She'd climb up, see that there was nothing new, and leave to actually enjoy her day off. It would be as simple as that.

But it was nearing sundown, and she still wasn't back. Had something happened? Was she in trouble? Was she hurt?

As I looked at the Maze walls I knew there was only one way to find out. I can't believe it, but I've got to go in there.  I just had to be sure nothing had happened to her. I don't know what it could be since the Shades were never out in the day, but it was better to be safe than sorry. I'd rather find out she wasted her day than not find her at all.

Or worse, find her when I'm out there tomorrow.

I need to go now. Before something happens that can't be fixed.

Without even bothering to say a word to anyone I ran to the Skater's area, almost slipping on ice as I did. Despite this, I slammed the door open and with shaky hands put my skates on. In my haste to leave I didn't even bother to grab my bag. I just had to find her. Now.

♡ Time Skip♡

Two hours. My watch told me I had two hours before the doors shut and locked me in here, leading to my certain death.

If I didn't try until the end though, I would never forgive myself.

Why hadn't I just gone with her? Or made her tell me which route she was taking? Make her tell me where she would be?

I messed up bad this time. This wasn't something I could slap a bandaid on. It wasn't like when I accidentally tripped her while in the beginning stages of earning this title. Or when I ran straight into the wall and broke my ankle, resulting in her dragging me out of here. This wasn't like the time we thought it was any kind of smart to run on ice in socks and fell flat on our faces.

This was her life.

I should have just gone with her. Even more, I should have just convinced her to stay with me. Not try something new on her own. What was I thinking?

To cut it short, I wasn't.

"Y/N! Y/N!"I kept shouting. All I got was my own voice echoing back. These stupid walls were mocking me.

I had never despised this place more.

Turning another corner, I got ready to yell for her again when I saw it. To be more specific I saw her, unmoving on the ground.

This isn't real. It's not real.

"Y/N?"I asked, kneeling beside her. I pressed my hands to her face to feel that she was absolutely freezing. She seemed to have been like this for hours.

This wasn't real though. She was fine. She was just messing with my head. She had to be.

"You're-you're not-you aren't funny,"I stuttered, praying for her to just open her eyes. I wouldn't even be mad. As long as she's okay all I would be is thankful.

Still, the more she remained unmoving the faster my heart started beating. This couldn't be real. She couldn't be hurt.

"Hey, hey, hey. Wake up,"I repeated, frantically shaking her shoulders. She was out cold. It seemed like she had fallen off while climbing.

"Didn't you hear me? Wake up. Wake up now!"I demanded. I didn't get anything back.

This was real.

If this is real then I need to get it together. I need to get us out of here before the doors close.

Without a second thought I put her arms around my shoulder and started dragging her back. I had never skated while holding someone before and definitely not somebody unconscious.

They were going to be pissed, but they would get over it. Even if they didn't, I don't care. All that matters is that she gets out of here.

Setting her down, I went completely barefoot before picking her back up. I wasn't sure how well this would work, but anything was worth a shot.

My watch beeped, alerting me that I had only an hour to leave. Glancing at the walls I saw that I was in section one. I could make it. I could work with that. When skating it takes about half an hour to go through a section. I had double that so even without them I should be okay. We should be fine.

We need to be. If we're not then it falls on me.

I should have just gone with her from the start.

♡ Time Skip♡

I swear I was the one dying. I felt like I was turning blue as I walked through the Maze.

But I was almost there. I was going to make it.

Absolutely exhausted as the adrenaline seemed to be wearing off, when I turned a corner and saw the exit I swear that I was hallucinating.

Daring to look at my watch, I managed to make out the timer telling me I had five minutes. Fast. I had to act fast.

She was still unconscious making this harder, but I wouldn't give up on her. Because she has to be just knocked out. She wasn't allowed to just die on me. My partner wasn't allowed to leave me alone. She said she would stay safe, and if that can't happen, she can at least be breathing.

I need her. I can lose everything in the world but not her. Not my Y/N.

Feeling my head spin as voices shouted at me, I didn't even realize that while I had been thinking of how much I needed her I was out. We were out.

I had done what I needed to do. Now I truly was out of adrenaline to keep me awake.

So I didn't fight it as I collapsed in the snow.

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