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It started out fine, humorous even. Still, when he went from ranting about clouds to something about grasshoppers I cut him off. By that I mean I just gave him water. He didn't notice though. For one, we were a little ways away from everyone in the dark. Two, he was drunk out of his mind.

"Mhm. That makes perfect sense,"I lied, making sure he didn't just pass out on the ground.

"It does,"He wholeheartedly agreed. "Have I ever told you about Rachel?"He slurred out.

"A few times,"I nodded.

"I really loved her, but I didn't say goodbye. That was stupid. Really stupid,"He started. I just nodded as I wished for him to go back to his nonsense rambling. That was all I wanted.

"She was so pretty. The most beautiful girl,"He sighed.

"Yeah?"I asked.

"Yeah and so smart. She was an angel who looked after and defended me. She was there when I was gonna do something dumb,"He continued.

That sounds familiar. Maybe it's selfish, but it reminds me of the way I always dragged him off when he got like this so he didn't do something he'd regret. I refused to drink just so I was sober in case something happened. I made sure he was okay. I silently cut him off when he looked like he was getting to the black out state. I dragged him to bed after. A lot of times he slept in mine because he was stumbling to the point that I didn't want him to walk to the end of Safe Haven. That or he was straight up passed out.

I take care of him, but he didn't seem to see it. He didn't seem to see the pattern.

"I miss her. I love her,"He said clearly. Why couldn't he go back to slurring his words? Why couldn't he say stupid stuff that didn't make sense? Why didn't he see that I was right here?

Yeah. Maybe it's selfish, but I wanted to shake him and remind him that I'm right here. I just wanted him to remember that.

"Life sucks without her,"He sighed before he just went unconscious. He was going to hurt tomorrow, and I would be there with water and an Advil. Because I'm always there.

"Come on. Let's go,"I whispered, picking him up by his shoulders. I just dragged him to my place a few feet away while he looked all comfortable in my arms. Right here. I was right here.

"I hate you sometimes,"I admitted as I lifted him to my cot. He didn't even stir as I wrapped my blankets around him and adjusted his head on the pillow.

"I'm right here, Aris. I'm right in front of you. Why do you have to break me? Why don't you understand that I love you?"I asked, feeling my eyes brim with tears. I frantically swiped them off.

"I hate the way you make me smile. I hate the way you make me laugh. I hate the way you make my heart beat faster. I hate the way you make me cry. I hate the way you make me break,"I admitted, still crying as I put a trashcan by my bed.

"And worst of all, I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even a little bit. I hate the way I can only love you,"I sobbed into my hands. Closing my door, I slid against it and cried. Pulling my knees to my chest I shattered while the boy who caused it was asleep in my room just a few feet away.

Aris's P.O.V

By the time I woke up through sunlight peaking through the window I didn't remember much. Still, I didn't even need to open my eyes to know whose cot I was in. I knew her sheets, her pillow, and her place better than I'd like to admit. Plus, she collected seashells which left this faint smell of the ocean in her home. So I knew where I was with my eyes closed. There's also the fact that she was always there to pick me up. I don't know how she deals with me, but she does.

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