Two Hearts

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It's been three nights now. Three nights of him muttering her name in his sleep. I know that she died in his arms. That was one of our first conversations. I know she bled out in front of him. Even more, I know he still loves her. He doesn't say it out loud, but it doesn't change the fact that it's the truth. It's also something he may never admit.

Tonight is night four. I know he sees it. He can tell that I'm pulling away. I know it hurts him. I know he's trying to figure out why. I know he's going through every scenario of what he could have done and how to fix it.

This can't be fixed though. So as I lay beside him he's still saying her name, and I can't stay and listen to it. Very carefully I lifted the blanket before putting it back on top of him. He didn't even stir. That's good. He won't notice I'm not near him.

I walked past everyone and into the bergs eating area. It wasn't exactly a kitchen. More of a place with a small fridge and sink. That doesn't matter though. I just can't stay next to him.

In complete darkness I leaned over the sink as my head kept spinning. I was going to be sick. Only this wasn't a sickness you could get over. This would something that would do nothing but stab you until you bled on the floor.

The lights suddenly turned on, but I didn't bother to move from my position. I didn't ask who it was either. That was hardly needed. Only someone crying in their sleep and then having someone leave their side would be up this time of night. What time was it? I'm not sure, but it's late. Just like it was too late for me to stop the tears streaming down my face, and like how it's too late for me to realize we weren't meant to be.

"Y/N?"Aris asked quietly. I could only shake my head before saying the obvious.

"You don't really love me Aris, do you?"I whispered, looking out the window. Bright beautiful stars lined the sky. I hate them, but I hate everything right now.

"What? Of course I do,"He tried to assure me. I just sadly shook my head again. I couldn't keep fooling myself. I couldn't keep letting us hurt, because this is killing both of us. Someone has to say it, and it's clear that person was going to be me.

"But you aren't in love with me, are you? You don't love me the way I love you."

"Where is this coming from?"He asked, now standing beside me.

"You talk in your sleep, and I think you know what you say,"I whispered, turning to face him. His face was devoid of color. I was right then.

"What was I to you? A distraction from the pain? A rebound? Someone you thought would fix your heart?"

He didn't say anything as I stood there staring at him. I could feel myself shaking, but I also couldn't feel anything at all.

"I can't fix you Aris. Not when you love her the way you do."

"I don't want you to fix me. You're more to me than that. So much more than you could ever know,"He whispered, gently drying my tears. I couldn't let him do that though. I pulled away and turned to face the window.

"I don't blame you for loving her. I can't expect you to stop, but you can't expect me to stand by and watch. I can't lie beside you at night when you're thinking of someone else. When you hold me I know you're thinking of her. Because her name is all you say. One word. One name."

"I love you Y/N,"He whispered after a moment. I could hear him start to cry to. For once I didn't kiss the tears away. I never would again.

"You love her though, right?"I asked, turning back to look at him. He averted my gaze while staying completely silent. That was all the confirmation I needed.

"This isn't good Aris. It's not healthy for you to look at me while thinking of her. It's not healthy for me to stick around when I know that. Because you love me, but you're in love with her. This isn't fair to either of us. You need to heal. If you ever do I'll be here. Because you may own my heart, but I don't own yours. She does. Maybe she always truly will. It's not your fault, but I can't sit by and let myself fall apart. I don't want to hold you back anymore, and I don't want to keep breaking myself."

"I do love you,"He repeated.

"I know you do Aris, but you don't have two hearts. You have one, and she'll always fill it."

"What can I do to make you stay?"

"The impossible. It's something I could never ask you to do. You can't fall out of love with her, and I won't make you. So I'm making the choice that's best for both of us. I'm walking away from us."

I watched as he shook his head no. He was still in denial. Maybe he always would be.

"You haven't grieved properly Aris. If you do I'll be there. If you don't I hope you can learn not to need someone to fill the emptiness inside you. Nobody could ever be her. You know that."

"I don't need someone to be her. I need you,"He promised. He didn't though. He didn't need me the way he needed Rachel.

"Goodnight Aris. I'll see you in the morning,"I whispered, using my thumbs to wipe away the last tears running down his face. This is the part where I kiss him. With both my hands cupping his face and him looking at me.

Not this time. Maybe five days ago was the last time. Maybe in the future he'd truly need me. Only time will tell.

But I only have one heart, and I can't have him keep crushing it.

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