The Plan (Part 2)

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Aris's P.O.V

I can't believe it. I don't want to believe it. I don't want to believe that she could do that to me.

She had told me herself though. I was nothing more than a plan.

It was depressing really. Now that I look back on it, it's so obvious that she hadn't just grown feelings for me. The change in attitude from a few girls, the way we always ended up as alone as you could get, and how she seemed so interested in everything I said, should have been a huge red flag, but no. Instead, I just decided that she actually felt something for me. I thought that she actually was different and would get to know me and who I am, my morals and beliefs, the things I like and don't, before deciding whether or not I deserve to die. I thought that I had actually meant something to her. I thought she cared about me.

She says she does now, but I don't believe her. I can't. Even if I did, what next? We just move on from the fact that she was just as bad as basically everyone else?

Actually, no. She's worse. I had fallen so deeply in love, and she used that to her advantage.

She's not just cold.

She's heartless.

The fact that I know all of this and am still carrying her back to her tent is pathetic. I could easily wake her up so she wouldn't die of frostbite. Instead, I had her in my arms, curled up to my chest.

I have never hated snow so much before. Not until it meant her needing to be near me.

Of course, that's sort of an excuse. Like I said earlier. I could just wake her. I didn't have to carry her bridal style to her place.

I was though, and I have never felt like more of an idiot doing something good. At least when I was with her I didn't know she was a master manipulator. Now that I did, with me still caring, the pain’s probably on me now.

It actually all is. I blindly loved her and didn’t spot what she was thinking when she acted like she did.

It kills me even more that the very first time she said those three words was after I found out our entire relationship was built upon lies.

But whatever. I’ll just keep holding her until I can't. It's all fine. Everything is fine. I’m fine.

As I approached her already opened tent I felt tears pour down my face. Ignoring them, I ducked my head and entered the place I had spent so much time in.

Holding my breath, I tucked her into her sleeping bag, making sure she was on her side the way she always slept. With her tears shining like dying stars through the dark, she was almost blinding to look out. There were too many things to take in. Too many small details and unwanted, maybe real, emotions.

Looking at my feet to avoid those, I spotted a small paper. Picking it up, I saw my handwriting.

A letter.

A stupid love letter I had given her a few nights ago.

Picking it up, I crumpled it into a ball before throwing it on the ground. Glaring at it, I pretended it was her through my blurry vision. Wiping more tears with the back of my hand I actually gave her a cold look before saying one last thing.

“It's not like it meant anything to you anyway,”I spat. Stepping over it on the way out, I zipped her tent and stormed to mine, of course being just a little further away than everyone else's.

Because screw me, right? Because I definitely asked to be here? Because I definitely didn't spend my first month here sobbing my eyes out every chance I got because of how alone I was?

At least when they were all adjusting to their home and wondering how they got here, if they did something wrong, if they were being punished, if they were meant for something, or if they were dangerous, they had each other. They could just ask for help from someone. And what did I get? People talking about whether or not to send me to die, right in front of me.

I hate this place! I hate all of them! I hate her! I especially hate her!

Without bothering to close it, I fell on the floor of my tent and sobbed like it was the first night all over again.

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