The Right Thing (Part 3)

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I ignored the curious stares from the other Gladers as I took Greenie, or Aris, into the Deadheads. He seemed to still be glowing with happiness at the thought of being here. While happiness is obviously usually a great thing something about it with him didn't seem right. I can't explain it, but there seems to be some feeling of nostalgia around him.

"So do you like the Glade?"He asked as I led him past more trees.

"Yes. It's my home. My family lives here,"I stated.

"But do you ever feel like something's missing from it?"He interegated.

His question caught me off guard. It had nothing to do with the seemingly innocent wonder itself. It was because I had indeed felt like that. When I came up in the box there was this feeling of emptiness in the pit of my stomach. I remember the way it all started.

I was transcending into the air at what felt like lightning speed. I don't know how I got here, but I did know that I had to escape.

As I stood up my legs shook from under me. After another bump I fell to the ground. Even though it didn't cause me any pain I started sobbing. Except, not really. As I frantically wiped my face I realized it was already covered in dried tears.

As I looked around these creatures started shrieking from all sides. For some reason I did not feel afraid yet I knew I was supposed to.

How did I know so much and so little?

"Y/N. Your name is Y/N,"I repeated, desperate to get this feeling out of the pit of my stomach. It was as if somebody had plunged a knife through my heart. Had they?

"Y/N?"Aris softly repeated.

"No. This is my home,"I restated.

"Oh,"He murmered as I tried to regain my composure. Something about being around him gave me an unexplainable emotion.

"You said you were going to tell me the full truth. What is it?"I spoke up, reminding him why we were here as we came to the very edge of the forest.

"Okay. Here it goes,"He breathed out. "Y/N, you were also part of making everything,"He told me. I looked him up and down at the ridiculousness of his response. I had spent so long miserable behind these walls. I doubt I would force others to be here. Besides, if I truly work for WICKED why would they steal my memory?

"Think about it. This place never felt like you knew it already?"

As the box lurched back I tried to think about where I was going. That when a word I thought I had heard so many times before came to mind. Well, at least the beginning.

Glid. Glide. That's not right.

The box stopped, and I blurted out exactly where I was.

"The Glade!"

It did. I was confused about everything else, but I knew about the Glade. Now that I think about it I also didn't feel as much fear as I should have when I encountered a Griever. Of course, there was some running down my bones At the time I knew there was a way around them.

"If I built it why am I here?"I asked in a voice much more quiet than I wished.

"That's the thing. You weren't supposed to,"He whispered.

"What are you telling me?"

"You had the plan to come up and warn everyone first. I just sort of, okay completely, messed it up,"He kept vaguely explaining.

"Get to the point,"I sighed.

"This was your plan, but I messed it up. On purpose,"He confessed.


"You told me what you were going to do, and I sold you out to WICKED."

Without a word or even a thought I brought my closed fist straight to his face. He stumbled back before holding his face and groaning in pain.

"Why'd you do it Greenie? Why'd you think that was a good idea?"I scowled.

"It was supposed to be for a cure. Then, I saw you on one of your first nights,"He said quickly, blocking his face off.

"A cure? What cure?"I snapped. He stayed silent.

"What cure Greenie? Tell me before I cut you,"I warned.

"For the Flare. It's a disease, but everyone was supposed to be fine,"He defended.

"Take responsibility. Does putting us in this hell seem fine to you?"

"I thought it was."

"Hold yourself accountable for your actions!"

"No. No. It's not fine,"He said, trembling in fear.

"Why'd you come back? Are you going to find some way to ruin our lives again?"I spat.

"I just wanted to help, and I wanted to see you again."

"Yeah? Well I don't ever want to see you. Go to Jeff. Tell him whatever you want. Tell him a lie. Tell him I punched you in the face. I don't care. Just get out of my sight,"I demanded. He just stood there as he avoided looking in my face.

"I said get out of my sight!"I yelled. He finally walked off with his head down the entire way.

Aris's P.O.V

I can't believe it. She punched me in the face. I knew she'd be angry, but I didn't think she'd split my lip. Angry isn't even the right word for that. She was completely full of rage.

"How did this happen?"Jeff asked as I kept the cold rag to my mouth.

"I fell,"I lied, wincing at the pain. I didn't think that having that kind of anger was possible with her, but I was definitely wrong.

"You fell on your mouth?"He questioned.

"Yes. I did,"I continued lying. Maybe it's strange to cover for her, but I didn't exactly deliver the most cheerful news. That just went so much worse than I thought. She's yelled before when she was frustrated, but she's never just gone straight to violence. Especially, when it came to me.

"Right. Are you sure you didn't just get punched in the face? Y/N hits hard,"He informed me.

"I wouldn't know,"I shrugged.

"Trust me. Some of the guys here would. Not that I blame her. Some Greenie's are just weird. She's gotta do something if they won't stop harassing her."

"Yeah. Makes sense,"I mumbled. How much more was different that I didn't know about? I'm not saying I haven't seen a few guys mysteriously get black eyes or broken noses. There was just never anyone in the pit to indicate they got beat up.

"Yeah. Listen Greenie. I'm not gonna lie. You're strange. Just coming on up and saying all that without a second thought is definitely weird. How do you plan on getting us out of here anyway?"

Oh no. I didn't think this far ahead.

I think I just screwed myself over for no reason.

But maybe it was the right thing? I guess I'll have to wait and see.

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