Fight Back

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Thomas was safe.

Thomas was hurt.

Thomas was my younger brother.


Aris was gone.

Aris was here.

Aris was the love of my life.


Everything was fine.

Seeing Thomas all busted up though, still covered in his own blood and fresh bruises, broke something inside of me. The humanity I hold just seems to be evaporating from my veins each second I breathe.

I didn't stop to ask why. I didn't ask what happened. I didn't ask how much he was involved. When the first thing he was going to say was an apology, that was enough for me.

He was stronger than me. Way stronger. I knew it, he knew it, and everyone here knew it.

Yet he didn't stop me. He could easily push me off of him, but he barely even lifted his arms to protect his face as I struck him with my fists. While it normally wouldn't make a difference, the way he seemed determined to lose which only made the fire in my blood burn brighter.

"Fight back! Fight me back like you did him!"I demanded, hearing a crunch as I struck his nose. He barely even moved. "Coward! Fight me, you coward!"I screamed. Just as I went for another someone pulled me back. Turning around, I saw it was Brenda. I went to ignore her when Minho dragged his feet over and pulled me off.

Breathing heavily, I looked at him lying on the ground covered in blood. Sitting up, he wiped it with his shirt. While it seemed to be drying in some places his lip and nose were still dripping. With his skin already bruising and one of his eyes completely black, the damage from just a few seconds was unreal.

"Yeah. I expected that,"He shrugged. Glaring harder, I went to kill him when Minho picked me up and carried me away from the group. With me kicking and shouting threats, I attempted to get to Aris, only for Minho to tighten his grip.

"You should be just as pissed! Why aren't you mad?!"I pointed out.

"I think you did enough for both of us."

"No. I'll kill him. I will kill him!"I swore.

"Listen. I know what it feels like-"
"Do you? Do you know what it feels like to constantly fail your baby brother? Do you know what it l feels like to always almost be losing him? Do you know what it feels like to constantly have him ripped away from you? Like that? You know what that feels like? What the memories of failing your brother feel like? Do you?"I spat.

"So this isn't about Aris then."

"It's about everything. When one person that you love hurts another person that you love, it's hard to love them."

"I know, okay? I know that, but you can't kill him. No matter how tempting it is."

"But Thomas-"
"Is back and alive and safe. He's here,"He reasoned.

"But he was hurt. He was hurt when I was supposed to be protecting him."

"Why do I never know how to protect him? Why do I never keep him safe? Why do I even have to? It's not fair. None of this is fair,"I repeated, stomping my foot like an upset child I never has the chance to be. From the second he as born, it was always "take care do Thomas. Take care of your brother. Look after him." So I did. Then it was "be more mature. Be a role model. You're the oldest. Grow up for him." So I did.

Then he left. He was separated from me, and I didn't have anyone to watch after. While that should have been good, it drove me insane. My entire life was looking out for him. Now I just had to play with the other kids while he was doing important stuff?

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