Too Different (Part 2)

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Aris’s P.O.V

I hadn't gotten to talk to her in the Spring. Not with everything going on. I hadn't gotten to talk to her when we got back because there was apparently another plan we hadn't been told about. I hadn't been able to talk to her in the Scorch because she wasn't with me.

Now though, she's standing in front of me, her head held high and weapon drawn. While I know that I should feel fear, all I could do was stand there and admire her as I wondered why. Why couldn't we think the same way? Why did we have to be so different?

“You all turn around and count to a thousand,”She demanded, ignoring Thomas struggling in the bag.

“Quiet, boy. Turn around, and count before we do something to him we can't take back,”She threatened.

Just staring at her, I barely found the ability to move as I did. Standing up, I kept counting while going over the plan in my head. Not WICKED’s but mine. The one where I get everything that had been lost back.

No matter what it took, I would find a way. One way or another, I would be with her again.

I hope.

♡ Time Skip♡

I didn't speak the entire day. As they were discussing how to get Thomas I stayed to the side, just waiting for the chance to leave.

And I found it. As Jorge and Minho were bickering again I didn't hesitate to just turn around and start running. I knew where she was. I knew what she would be doing. I knew that I had to get her back.

Acting as though I had nothing to fear, I kept sprinting, not even stopping to wipe the sweat from my forehead. That would take up seconds which would add up which would mean less time to explain which would mean less time to tell her I love her. To sum it up, it would be a butterfly effect that I was not dealing with right now.

So I just ran and ran and ran. Even as the sun burned down, threatening to kill me, I didn't stop.

Not until I saw that hill, with a bunch of silluates on top of it.

Despite my previous words, I just collapsed on the ground, closing my eyes as I panted. I just needed a minute after two hours of straight running. While it wasn't the most that I had done, it was still not something I would do for the fun of it.

“You want some water?”a girl asked. Opening my eyes, just like that all my energy was back as I saw Y/N, just holding out a canteen with a small smile. Losing the ability to speak, I just accepted as I waterfalled it. “Wow. You’ll makeout with me in a storage closet but sharing drinks is where you draw the line?”She sighed, making me choke on the water. Kneeling beside me, she patted my back as I tried to figure out what the hell was happening.

“I missed you,”was all I got out.

“I did too. I was actually wondering how long it would take you to not do what I said. You were always good at that,”She teased.

“How though? I thought they took your memory?”

“They actually thought that I was just going to eat the candy they gave me after I said I was done. I mean they may as well have been insulting me. Do I look stupid enough to fall for that?”

“You're not stupid at all.”

“I just kept it under my tongue and fed it to the Griever's when I got thrown it. Give them a little snack,”She shrugged.

“You're brilliant. You know that? You are absolutely amazing,”I whispered, leaning over to kiss her just for her to push me away.

“You are covered head to toe in sweat. You can kiss me when you don't look like you’ve been walking in rain.”

“Awe come on. I’ve been waiting to kiss you for months now.”

“Then you’ll survive a little longer,”She shrugged.

“I actually need you to kiss me. You need you to help remind me why I’m about to do what I’m going to do.”

“Well, that's ominous.”

“I’m serious. I need something else to fight for,”I whispered, pushing her hair back to see a small cut on her forehead. “What happened?”

“It's nothing,”She shrugged, taking my hand and holding it to her cheek. Running my thumb along her skin, I smiled as she leaned into me, closing her eyes and holding her palm over the back of my hand.

“I do love you. Even if I didn't go with you, I thought about you every day. I never stopped thinking about you,”I promised.

“I love you too. Even though I didn't stay, I thought about some way that I would see able to see you again. I had to stop myself from waving at the Beetles Blades in just case you were watching.”

“I would have waved back.”

“Unless someone was watching.”

“Honestly, I would have done it without thinking. I probably would have had a dumb smile and everything.”

“Well, I love that dumb smile of yours,”She whispered, leaning further into me.

“Do you need to get back?”I pointed out.

“Yeah,”She answered with her eyes starting to shut.

“Are you going to?”

“No. Too busy with you,”She mumbled.

“You want to go to sleep?”I offered, noticing the sun starting to set.

“Yeah,”She agreed, raising her head for a moment to stretch. Laying my legs out while leaning against the steep hill, I let her lay her head on my lap to get some rest.

“I’m not done,”She interrupted. Before I could ask what was wrong she slowly brushed her lips against mine. Feeling her sweet smile, I couldn't help but return it, even as she pulled away.

“I will find my way back to you,”I promised as she laid her head back on my lap.

“And you have,”She mumbled, sitting up again while her eyes were still half closed. Keeping her in my lap, I held her in my arms as she laid her head on my chest. Running my fingers through her hair, I smiled as I looked at the way I finally had my girl back.

Just the way I always would. Because no matter how different we are, she is mine, and I am hers.

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