Forever (Part 3)

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Newt's P.O.V

Everyone saw it. The way Aris was losing his mind without Y/N. Her blood was still on him, but he just said that he must have fallen or something if anyone tried to reason with him. It was painful to watch that he couldn't let her go. He would sometimes lag behind, and if anyone questioned what he was doing he said that he was waiting for Y/N to catch up. We just sort of pulled him forward and told him she was just a little ways ahead. The worst part is that he seemed to believe us.

He was doing it again. Looking out for her in the distance as everyone was sitting around the fire. He even wore this small smile as he just kept expecting her to show up. He was literally going mad without her.

"I can't do this anymore,"I finally admitted.

"We've tried. Nothing will work. All we can do is let him fool himself,"Minho sighed.

"No. He's going to end up hurt if he keeps this up. When reality crashes he's going to do something stupid,"I said firmly, glancing back over at him. He was sitting on the rock as he kept mumbling the same haunting words.

"She promised forever so she's coming back. She promised forever so she's coming back. She promised forever so she's coming back."

"I've got to try before he ends up like her,"I stated, standing up. Nobody stopped me as I slowly approached him. Ignoring the nerves of how he might react, I reminded myself that this could turn into something much bigger if he kept putting this off. Someone had to make sure he was grounded, and while that had once been Y/N, she wasn't here to do that anymore. Someone else had to, and if nobody else would I guess it would be me.

In almost no time I was almost right next to him. Despite the way I purposely made my footsteps loud, he didn't hear me as I stood below him. He was too busy tricking his own mind and whispering to himself.

"Hey Aris,"I greeted. He looked down at me with that same bone chilling grin.

"Hi Newt,"He happily said back. It almost made me not want to do this. Almost. He deserved to realize what had happened so he could get better.

"Can I join you?"I asked.

"Sure. Just until Y/N gets back,"He answered. Another pang of hurt went through my chest as he kept his cheerful smile.

But I still sat by him. All he did was hum to himself. He had been doing that for a lot of the time, and it was always the same tune.

"What song is that?"I questioned, deciding to start off with something innocent.

"Y/N and I made it up. It's like a comfort song or a signal that one of us is hurt. I can't whistle so we settled on this."

Okay. Maybe not an innocent question. Is everything just connected to her? Does he have anything of his own that he didn't share with her? Hell. I'm pretty sure that they shared clothes. From food to weapons, they clearly were each other's everything.

I guess I was going to have to be blunt.

"Aris, Y/N is dead,"I finally said.

"No she's not."

"She's just tired. That's all. She's okay. She has to be okay,"He argued.

"How did that blood get on your clothes?"

"I must have fallen or something,"He frantically tried to convince himself.

"And where are you hurt?"

"I must have fallen."

"No,"He interrupted.

"Where's your jacket?"I pointed out.

"She has it, okay? She has it, because she's asleep. She deserved it. She deserved to go without being cold."

"She gets cold really easily. I always share it. That's why I gave it to her,"He rushed out. I went to speak when he spoke faster than I thought possible. "And that's why I held her. When I found her on the ground I had to hold her. I had to fix her. I tried to clean her up, and I explained that it was April 25th,"He ranted, only stopping when he was almost turning red from not taking a breath.

"What happened on April 25th?"I asked as gently as possible. He didn't speak as he started at the distance. However, I still saw his quivering lip and tears brimming his eyes.

"I found her dead on the floor. I told her I was mad that she left and that I love her. I promised not to forget her,"He admitted. "And I failed her. I didn't do enough."

"Aris, you love her. She knows that. She died knowing how much she means to you and you mean to her. She died loving you."

"I just want her back,"He said through shaky breaths.

"I know."

"I didn't get to say goodbye,"He whispered.

"I know."

"Why wouldn't she let me help?"

"Because she chose you over her,"I quietly answered.

"But she wouldn't do that to me,"He murmured, switching back to denial.

"She's not coming back."

"But she has to."

"No, no, no. She wouldn't lie to me. She wouldn't do that,"He uttered. Before I could blink he was hyperventilating as he kept saying that she was sleeping and okay.

"She's gone,"He suddenly accepted. I put my arms out for a hug which he took. The poor kid was sobbing into my shoulder as he realized it. "But she promised me forever. She said she wouldn't leave,"He trembled. I rubbed his back as he cried harder. "She's not sleeping. She's never coming back,"He continued. I didn't speak as I tightened my hold on him. Neither did he anymore. He just let his tears fall as he got it out.

Though, he never fully would. I don't really know them, but I know how much they love each other. Even if they weren't that physically affectionate, that we had seen, the way they spoke so softly and even looked at each other, said it all.

After a long time I felt his tears stop, as his grip loosened, and his sobs became completely silent. Looking down, I realized he had cried himself to sleep in my arms.

Being careful not to wake him, I carried him off the rock and to the ground. I don't think he's rested this soundly in so long so disturbing it would be the final straw for his sanity.

Unzipping his sleeping bag, I placed him inside of it. He didn't move a muscle as his breathing was completely even. With his face so puffy you could see it through the dark, and his cheeks streaked with tears, I saw him suddenly reach to the side and hug absolutely nothing. Realizing that he was imagining her, I rolled up my own and put it in his arms. He smiled as he pulled it closer to him, making my heart shatter even more.

"It looks like he's sleeping,"I absentmindedly said as I came back to the group. We all froze as his haunting words came back to us.

"She'll come back when she's done sleeping."

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