The Right Thing (Part 2)

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A/N: I know the first part didn't originally say part 2, but I randomly got an idea so I'm going to try it out.

Aris's P.O.V

"What brought on this change of heart?"Chancellor Paige asked.

"If I'm in the Maze A I'll be able to observe the subjects closer. It can help us in our studies,"I easily lied.

"What about your partner?"She asked, referring to Rachel.

"I'm not sure, but this is a way to get closer to the cure. Isn't that what we're doing this for?"I pointed out.

"Are you this isn't about Y/N? I know you miss her. After all, she was your first partner."

"It's about the cure. This is what we need. I'm sure of it,"I said firmly. She still eyed me in suspicion as I kept up my lie.

"There's supposed to be a new subject coming up today. Send me instead. I'll stay there and do what I'm supposed to,"I repeated.

"You're sure this is what you want?"She asked.

"Yes. I am."

"Very well then. I suppose we should have one last cup of tea together then. We won't see each other for a while."

I nodded as she went to brew the drink. What she didn't know was that I knew exactly what her plan was. She truly thought she was capable of outsmarting me. I saw the way she had looked at me, and I already knew how to deal with it.

"Drink up,"She instructed, handing me the cup. I gave a polite nod before taking a mouthful. She looked at me as I very subtly kept it inside my cheek to avoid swallowing.

"Aris, did you truly think I wouldn't figure it out?"She questioned. I gave her a fake look of confusion before glancing at the glass. I twisted my look to horror as I faked looking in it before spitting it back out. So she wouldn't be able to measure it out I dropped it.

"What did you do?"I asked, slurring my voice.

"What I had to,"She answered.

I crossed my eyes before shutting them and falling to the ground. I nearly winced as I landed on the broken glass but reminded myself of why I was doing this as I held it back.

"Such a shame,"She sighed as two arms picked me up and dragged me. I kept my eyes shut as they opened my door before taking me into the other room. I knew where I was. I was being put in the box.

They tossed me in like a ragdoll. As my head collided with the metal I nearly let out a groan of pain.

"You know, I never liked that one anyway. He never spoke unless it was to the girl. He wasn't very useful,"One of them remarked. Well, screw you too I guess. Not that it matters.

"I don't like any of them. Bye bye buddy,"The other one said in a mocking voice, referring the last part to me. With that they closed the door before pulling the lever.

And I'm off. My mission starts now.

♡ Time Skip♡

I didn't know how long I had to fake being unconscious, but after counting past 2 million and hitting my head against the metal the entire time I figured I had to be safe. I opened my eyes and pretended to be groggy. After a moment I quickly stood up and started banging on the sides.

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