Too Different (Part 1)

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Aris's P.O.V

Y/N seems to think that I don't realize what's happening. She seems to believe that I don't know what she's doing. She seems to believe that despite what we've seen it's better to be a subject than a worker.

This though, this was my last straw. The way the girl who likes being early to things "accidentally" came in late to one of the most important meetings of the year. At the very end actually, and while she looked embarrassed, I saw the little glimmer in her eyes that nobody else could. Mumbling about irresponsibility, everyone stood up and went back to their lives.

I though, stayed behind. The second the door closed I grabbed her hand and pulled her out the other one. Hiding her in the storage room where there weren't any cameras, I locked the door and pulled down the blinds before flicking on the lights.

"I know what you're doing,"I admitted.

"Yeah. I figured you would eventually,"She mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared behind me. Before she could gaze off I stepped closer and took her face in my hands, making her look at me.

"You can't do this."

"I have to. I can't do this anymore. Everything about this job sucks. I hate watching everyone leave while I'm stuck here,"She justified.

"What about me? I'm here to stay. Isn't that enough?"

"No,"She whispered.

"It's not enough,"She repeated.

"Why? Why am I not enough for you?"

"Don't do this, Aris. Don't try to make me stay."

"I need you to. I have nobody. Nobody but you. If you walk away I'll be alone, and I can't handle that. Do you understand? I can't handle you leaving,"I promised, putting my hands on her waist and keeping her close.

"You'll get another partner."

"I don't want another partner. I want you."

"Y/N, please? I don't need anyone, but I do need you. I need you more than anything, and you can't walk away from us. Please? Don't leave me alone? Please, Y/N, I still need you. I really, really need you, and it would destroy me if you walked away. Don't walk away from us. Not after all we earned and went through together. Why-"
Before I could finish my rant she brushed her lips against mine. It wasn't rough, wasn't greedy, or frantic. It was soft, gentle, and sweet, just like her. And it was small but left me with a million emotions as she pulled away.

"Come with me?"


"You can do the same thing. It'll be just us,"She whispered.

"We won't even remember each other,"I pointed out.

"But you know we'll see each other again, and if we're meant to be we can fall in love again. So come with me?"She repeated.

"I-I can't,"I whispered.

"I can't. I'm not strong like that, like you. I can't lie to them,"I justified.

"Yes you can. You can do whatever you tell yourself you can,"She encouraged, grabbing me hands and squeezing. Looking at me, she silently begged me to agree.

"I'm sorry,"I whispered, shaking my head no.

"Yeah. So am I,"She mumbled.

"I'm sorry. I love you, but I can't,"I repeated.

"So this is it then? This is the end?"

"I think it is."

Without a word she threw her arms around me. Accepting her embrace, I didn't even try to fight the tears as I sobbed into her shoulder. Refusing to break, she just whispered soothing words in my ear as her voice kept cracking.

After a long time she pulled back. Brushing my hair out of my face, she looked at me, with me staring back.

"Please give me one last kiss,"I begged.

"I'll give you watever you want tonight,"She whispered.

"No. You wouldn't. Not if you knew how much that actually was,"I admitted.

"I will though."

Cutting me off, she put her arms around my shoulders and smashed her lips against mine. Putting my hand behind her head, I deepened the already passionate kiss. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I picked her up and put her on the table behind us as I just kissed her like my life depended on it. Doing the exact same, she pulled away for air for barely a second before pushing her lips back against mine, her arms still around my neck. Cupping her cheeks, I did everything to make this a kiss she would somehow be able to remember, to hold on to.

Suddenly pulling away, she rested her chin on my shoulder as small tears dripped on my shirt.

"Stay. Stay for this. Stay for us,"I begged.

"Come with me? Please?"She pleaded, her voice only breaking.

"Aris, I'm leaving today, with or without you. So please? Stay with me forever?"

"I'm sorry,"I promised.

"Were we ever meant to last then? Were we ever meant to be forever?"

"We could be."

"I wish. I wish that we wanted the same thing."

"So do I,"I quietly agreed.

"So this is our goodbye? This is really how it ends?"

"I'm sorry,"I repeated, not knowing what else to say. Pulling away, she just looked at me with heartbreak in her eyes. Wiping her tears away, I wished that I could have done the same to that feeling in her heart.

I can't though.

Cupping her cheeks, I didn't try to kiss her as I pressed my forehead against hers. I just closed my eyes as I tried to burn in the feeling of having her so close to me. That electricity that traveled up my skin whenever we touched. That feeling of telling her how much I adore her without saying a word.

"Goodbye my amore. Goodbye,"She whispered.

"I always love it when you say that. When you speak French. I love the way you use it in arguments to throw people off. I love the way you carry a notebook and pen with you just in case. I like the way you always wear two rubber bands on your wrist in case you see another girl who needs one. I love the way the only place you kick people is in the shin because it's the easiest to get away with. I love the way you look at the ground when something makes you blush. I love the way you smile more with your eyes than your mouth. I love the way you save your favorite part of the meal for last. I love the way you never leaned how to properly do puppy eyes. I love the way you throw pencils at your ceiling when you're bored in your room. I love the way you give the best insults without even cussing. I love the way you play with your hair whenever you're nervous. I love the way you won't wear anything that has the fabric of a sweater. I love the way you exist. I love every little thing about you. I love you,"I listed. Not saying anything, she just kissed my forehead before getting back on the ground. With a bittersweet expression, she squeezed my hand one last time before walking away.

Away from us.

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