Chapter One- Holy Turtles

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Hi~! Ok first lemme say...IM SO HAPPY YOU DECIDED TO READ MY PROBABLY TERRIBLE STORY! XD But really, I'm planning on working hard to make this story as good as possible. But please don't hit me with a stick if it isn't good! I'm gonna try!...Anywho lemme stop with my rant and let you read


"Yea, mom, I got it...No, Ill be home tomorrow...Well me and Jackie have to work on the project for school and It'll probably take all night...WELL FINE. BYE." Lillian hung up the phone, and threw it in her bag. Her and her mom never had a good relationship, but she never understood why she had to make a big deal about everything. Maybe that's just how moms were. Over-dramatic, yelling, and punishment giving people.

Lillian was only five feet, and she had long brown hair with blue tips, bangs and underneath her hair. She was wearing her new converse, with ripped skinny jeans and a Crown the Empire T-shirt. Her bag was slung around her shoulder as usual, seeing as she doesn't like to go places without it.

It was late at night, almost 11:00 pm and she was on her way to her best friends house, Jackie's. Lillian was only 14, and she knew it probably wasn't safe to be walking through New York this late at night, but as usual she didn't really care. That was, until she heard a deep, scratchy voice from behind her.

"What do we have here?" The man behind her chuckled after he said these words, sending a chill down her spine. Lillian quickly spun around to see a large, rather hairy man standing before her. He had a large stomach and seemed to be around 5'9. Without a second thought she turned back around and ran, only to trip and fall. Her head hit the sidewalk and she landed right on her ankle she just twisted. The man was still coming towards her and he laughed at the sight of her falling.

"Come here, darling. I can make it all better!" Lillian got back up and ran the best she could, trying to ignore the pain in her ankle. Then she seen a alley way coming up, and she made a quick turn. She had to stop for a moment, running only made her head worse, and it wasn't helping her ankle. She started to move again, and was running down the alley. She started to slow down and walk, mot wanting to stop incase that man came back. As Lillian was walking, she realised just how dark it was, and started to get cold. She pulled the sweatshirt out of her bag and threw it over her head, allowing her arms and body to slide through. When her head popped out of the hole, she seen a light towards the end of the alley.

"Wha-" She was cut off only to find herself being swallowed by the light she seen. That was when she opened her eyes, and let out a scream.

"WHERE THE HELL AM I?!" She had opened her eyes to see herself sitting in a large foyer. There was a single light lit, and it was coming from the chandelier above her. Lillian stood up and grabbed her bag the had fallen off her shoulder. When she stood up, she dusted herself off and was looking around when she suddenly heard someone behind her. Afraid to see who it was, she pulled her base-ball out of her bag and chucked it at where the sound was coming from. When Lillian heard a grunt, she turned around to see a tall man, with black hair and was dressed in a black suit, and was holding her baseball. Her mouth dropped open and she let out another scream. "HOLY TURTLES!"
So! There's the first chapter! Like I said, I'm probably not the best writer, but I'm trying. PLEASE DONT HIT ME WITH A STICK! *Hides behind a chair*
...Anywho, I hope you enjoyed!
P.S. I'm sorry on how short this chapter was. Again, don't hit me with a stick!

Stuck with you (Black Butler fan-fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora