Chapter nine- Wee loopy

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Enjoy ^~^


Ciel looked at her for a moment, not understanding what she was getting at. Then it hit him. His looked changed from blank, to sorrow in a matter of seconds.


"I've tried really hard to forget about it all. But for some reason, the past couple days I've been thinking about it a lot. And when I was alone with him, well...I couldn't even see Rolland anymore. I seen my dad standing in front of me." She stopped, tears filling her eyes. She wiped them away quickly and continued. "I try to be happy all the time, and that's how I was before things got really bad with my parents, but for tonight I haven't been myself. And I know you can tell too."

He thought, "Yes, I have noticed some changes in behavior. But maybe it was just affected by last night's incident?"

"What do you think caused last night's incident?"

"Right. Sebastian, bring her food. She needs to eat."

"I'm really no-"

"You're going to eat. You're very pale, and you thrashing yourself around caused your head to bleed again, leaving you with more blood loss. I called the doctor, and he said to put you on bed rest, make sure you are fed well, and to keep a close eye on you. And as for Rolland, well he is gone. You don't have to worry about him again." He hesitated, because he was about to do something he didn't normally do. "And I'm also sorry I put you in that position. Even with me not knowing about your past, it was wrong. It won't happen again." After that he walked out. Sebastian came back in a minute later with a tray of food. It had a cup of tea, crackers, and soup.

"This will be your normal meal for the next few days, and when you're done eating its best you get some more rest." He turned and walked out of the room. Lillian slowly ate her food, having so much on her mind it was hard for her to eat right now.

"I can't believe I let that happen..." She layed back down and covered herself with the blanket. While she was sleeping, Sebastian came in and took her tray. It was around midnight, and Ciel was having trouble sleeping. He was tossing and turning. Then there was a scream, causing him to immediately jump out of bed, and run down the hall. Ciel already knew where it came from, and wasn't slowing down to get there. He reached Lillians room, and slammed the door open to see her back arched up, thrashing around.

"Lillian!" He ran to her side, and pushed her back down, knowing if she pushed any farther she would have broke her back. She may have already thrown it out of place.

"Calm down! Its alright!" Sebastian came through the door to see Ciel trying to calm down Lillian down and walked over to his side. Lillian let out another scream, and arched her back up again. Ciel pushed her back down, and this time held her down, not wanting her to hurt herself.

"Master, I think it's best we wake her." Ciel nodded and began saying Lillians name repeatedly while shaking her.

"Please wake up." Her eyes shot open, and tears rolled down her cheeks. She began grabbing for whatever was in front of her, but instead of grabbing Ciel she had Sebastian and was holding tightly.

"Master, I think it'd be best if someone stayed with her." He said placing an arm around her.

"I- I want Ciel to stay with me." She loosened her grip on Sebastians jacket, and looked over at Ciel, tears still rolling down her face.

"Of course."

"I'll leave you two then." Sebastian exited the room, closing the door behind him. When Ciel went to sit in the chair next to the bed, he felt a tug on shirt, and looked at Lillian.

"As you wish." He layed down next to her and wrapped his arms around her. As much as he didn't want to be punched by her thrashing, he was willing to do whatever he wanted to make her feel safe. Ciel didn't fall asleep easy that night. Instead he was up most the night watching her, and lucky there was only one other small episode. She had started kicking in her sleep, but that was it.

"Ciel. Ciel wake up."

"Wha?" Ciel rubbed his eyes, the bright sun shining in his face. He then looked over at Lillian, who looked more pale than last night.

"Are you alright?"

"Ciel...I'm sorry I had to wake you up. But my back is bothering me and Sebastian hadn't came in. I don't know why it hurts so bad, and I don't know why your in my room." She realised how harsh she sounded, and quickly tried making up for it. "Not that I...uhh...Not that I mind! You could stay if you like!" She then realised how incredibly dumb that sounded and facepalmed herself. Ciel only smiled a little.

"Lillian, your back hurts because of your scene last night. You were thrashing again, only this time you were arching your back and screaming as well. So I stayed with you to make sure you were going to be alright. You did want me to though..." He didn't want to sound foolish like last time, so he tried making it sound as best he could, yet still started blushing. She did too, and then of course Sebastian walked in.

"Good morning master. Good morning Lady Lillian."

"Sebastian, her back hurts from her...arching last night."

"Right. I'll call the doctor again. For now I bring breakfast. Master would you like breakfast served in here?"

He thought a moment, and he didn't want to leave Lillian. Not until the doctor got there at least. "Yes."

"Very well." He turned on his heel on walked out.

Lillian tried sitting up straighter, but winced in pain and didn't move.

"If you want to move, ask me for help. You're only hurting yourself."

"I don't like being handicapped." She hissed back, and Ciel just looked at her.

"Well I'm only trying to help!"

"Yea? Well don't!" She turned her head away, not wanting to look at him. "I know you're only helping, but I hate feeling like I can't do anything by myself. I feel...trapped." She thought.

"Well what in bloody hell is wrong with her?" He thought. They both sat there waiting for breakfast. Sebastian then walked through the door so suddenly, Lillian swore she jumped five feet in the air.

"The doctor will be here shortly." He said as he took the lids off of their trays. Sebastian was right, no sooner than them finishing breakfast the doctor arrived and walked into Lillians room. He examined her back and it was rather painful to her. Ciel wanted to step in and stop him every time she let out a cry, but he knew he shouldn't.

"Well. It appears to me the little lass has thrown her back out. It needs to be iced down, and she shouldn't move around a lot. Which means any scenes at night need to be put to stop as soon as they possibly could. It only makes them worse. I don't think it would be such a bad idea to have one of you lads sit and watch her at night either. I think she'll probably be on bed rest for the next week or so, by then her back will be good enough for her to walk around. Well if that'll be all, I'd best be on my wa- Oh! I almost forgot! The wee lassies medicine! She is to take one at night, and one in the mornin. It might make her a wee loopy, so watch out for that. Alright. Farewell." With that, he walked off.

"Sebastin, I'll be in my study." Him and Sebastian walked out leaving Lillian alone with her thoughts.

"Loopy? Oh great..." She began to think as her eyes drooped and she drifted off into sleep.


Sorry for any mis-spellings or anything. I'm really tired right now.

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