Chapter 20- I'm hungry

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Enjoy ya Chapter. ^-^


~~~Ciel's pov~~~

Lillian was sleeping in her bed and I stood at the window. When she isn't running all over the place, she actually seems like the average lady you'd find anywhere else. I walked over and sat down by her. I looked at her hand and noticed her fingernails were darker than earlier, and its only been a few hours. I let out a sigh and went to my room.

~~~The next morning~~~

~~~Lillian's pov~~~

"Wha- Why is it so bright outside!?" I could barely open my eyes. Instead I sat there with my hand over them. Sebastian came barging in, slammig the door all over the god damn place. "WOULD YOU STOP SLAMMING THE DOOR. I JUST WOKE UP."

"Lady Lillian, I havn't slammed the door."

"And lower your voice. You don't need to talk so loud either."
Mey-Rin came running down the halls with- of course -a stack of plates in her hands that she soon dropped. I let out a piercing scream. I hurt my ears! It felt like someone was using my ears as their own personal glass holder. Sorry, but these are MY ears.

"Lady Lillian, please calm down." His voice was lower now and he walked over and shut the curtains, finally allowing me to uncover my eyes. Thank the lord. I thought my eyes just might burn out of my sockets. That would have been ugly.

"I'll leave your breakfast here. Please excuse me." He left and I didn't really care. I was starving.

~~~Sebastian's pov~~~

As I thought, she is progressing quickly. I was helping Mey-Rin pick up the broken plates when Ciel came running in his night clothes.

"My lord. We need to get you dressed."

"What was that?"

"It was Lillian. She is fine now, I gave her this mornings breakfast and left her." Though, of course without hesitation he threw her door open and yelled her name. Sometimes I wonder what the point in me even being here is.

"Young master, I-" I turned to see Lillian visciously hitting him with her pillow, screaming at him. She also had her tea spilt all over night gown, which means she probably dropped it when he came in.

~~~Ciel's pov~~~

I'm not sure why, but I'm getting hit with a pillow, and being called many names. This day has already started out bad.

"You good for nothing, tea drinking, homo! Learn to tie your shoes and while your at it dig your ways to the depths of hell! I hope you die a pitiful death! Leave my presence before I rip your eyebrows off and feed them to you!"

"Would you calm down?" I yelled because she was being really loud and I had to make sure she heard me. But for some reason she started hitting me harder.

"Im about to scream in your ear if you don't shut your talking hole! I'll duct tape your mouth shut if you don't stop!"

I've noticed how when she's tired, her threats aren't near as scary. I was suddenly lifted off the ground and outside the door. I looked up and seen a very annoying butler. Well, lord knows if he can't handle it, nobody can.

"Lady Lillian, I think that is enough." He was being quiet, and I didn't really know why. She slowly loosened her grip on the pillow and fell back on her bed.

"You butlers are annoying, you know that?"

I walked in and looked at her, then at Sebastian. He took me outside the room and shut her door.

"Lady Lillian is sensitive to sounds and lights at the moment. I'm sure you can guess why, and due to this we have to be quiet around her, or another Lillian attack could happen."

I nodded and just started for my study. I could already tell this was going to be a long day.

~~~Le time skip~~~

~~~Lillian's pov~~~

I sat on my bed, not really in the mood to get up. I was still in this stupid nightgown and my head hurt. My stomach let out a huge noise that sounded like a dying elaphent. I'm hungry. Really hungry. And I haven't seen Sebby-chan or Emo Pirate since this morning. I don't get why they think they can just walk in my room and start yelling. Annoying fuckers. I got up and walked out, the light practically blinding me again. I ran back in my room and shut the door as fast as possible. Fricken light. All hell will break loose if I really do go blind. I sat there thinking about how could manage to get to the kitchen without losing my eyesight, and my eyes landed on my bag I came here with. I walked over and looked inside.
"Theres more stuff in here than I remember..." I dumped it all out on my bed and looked through it. Hair dye, baseball, pocket knife...I found a pair of sunglasses and put them on. I also grabbed the pocket knife and slid it under the dresser. Hey, gotta stay prepared. I started walking down the hallway and the sunglasses practically saved my life. I walked in the kitchen and nobody else was around, so I started searching. I found some pie and I think we both know what happened next. I ate it. And believe me when I say it was good.

"Why aren't you in bed?"

"Why aren't you in hell?" I turned and found Sebastian staring at me, probably mad I ate half the pie already.

"Lady Lillian, you need to get in bed before something else happens."

"Yea? Like what?"

"If you hear a loud noise or look at the light again, you'll probably go on another rampage. You're still sensitive to all that, so its best you stay in bed. "

I didn't really know much about what he was talking about, but I'm guessing it has to do with this demon-y crap that's going on. And there goes my freedom. Might as well give it one last goodbye.

"Fine. But one question."

"Which is?"

"When's dinner?" I let out a large burp and he just stared at me.

"Dinner will be prepared in two hours."

"Good. Cause I'm ssstttaarrvviing."

I got up and started walking back to my room, when I found myself at the window. Outside was Finny, Bard, and Mey-Rin. They were all in the garden, which was weird becuase they should be doing chores. I pushed the window open, and jumped down. I was upstairs, but I didn't really care. I surprisingly landed on my feet, and started walking to the garden. Only problem is this place is so big I have no idea where they are. I kept walking and I ended up in front of a maze. Without thinking, I started walking. And walking. Oh, and walking. I eventually got tired and sat down, looking up at the sky which was growing darker. My stomach let out a loud noise, and jumped up.

"Do not worry, food box! I shall be your savior!"

Of course....I had no idea what or where I was going to go. I climbed up one of the bushes, amd when I looked over top, I seen the manor, but it was really far away. Like...REALLY far away. I climbed back down, and let out a yawn. Well great. I'm hungry, tired, and everything has been pissing me off. I might just cripple over and die.


I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head, and let out a scream. My stomach started to ache and my back felt like it was on fire. I punched the ground and screamed again, when I heard someone behind me.

"I told you to go to your room."


Did you enjoy Sebby-chans pov? Eh? Eh? No? Ok.
*back out of room*

Stuck with you (Black Butler fan-fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora