Chapter six- You hopeless moron

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Hello ^~^! I don't really have a whole lot to say so I'm just going to let you read.


It was 2:30 in the morning and Ciel jumped awake from his slumber. It wasn't normally like him, but he got out of bed and walked out of his room. He had a feeling something wasn't right, and his feeling were correct. As he was walking he heard a thud from down the hall. He ran and ended up in front of Lillian's door.

"Lillian?" He heard another thud and didn't stop to knock. He pushed the door open and ran to Lillian. She was next to the wall, slamming her head against it repeating the same question, why me?

"Lillian, stop! You're hurting yourself!" He turned her head and seen blood running down the side of her face. He also noticed how her eyes were shut, and she wasn't responding.

"Lillian!" He repeated her name several times before her eyes slowly opened, and when Ciel looked into them, all he could see was fear. Lillian started crying and leaned her head into Ciel's chest.

"I'm sorry." She let out a small whisper, and Ciel didn't know what to do. He sat there with her for a minute, his arm around hers. That was until he noticed a warm liquid was all over his stomach, and he looked down to see Lillians blood all over him.

"Sebastian!" Maybe a moment later Sebastian was next to Ciel's side.

"My, this is a lot of blood. We need to get it cleaned up immediately. " He stood up, walked into the bathroom, got a wet washcloth, and a dry one, and walked back over to Ciel and Lillian. He gently started patting where the blood was coming from, and when it was cleaned up, he took his dry one and held it there.

"Master, if you'll excuse me while I go get a bandage." He turned and walked out of the room, and came right back in with the bandage. He removed the dry washcloth and and carefully placed the bandage on her head.

"Now if you'll let me put her in be-"

"No. She will be sleeping in my room tonight." Sebastian gave Ciel a questioning look, and Ciel only turned away with a blush.

"I will be taking her." With that, he picked her up, and carried her into his room, laying her down on the bed. She let out a few murmers, but nothing Ciel could make out. He layed himself down, and went to go to sleep until she started thrashing herself around.

"Lillian! Stop, you're ok! It's just a dream!" He grabbed her arms and she opened her eyes and started crying.



"How did I get in your room?"

"I brought you here."



"I'm scared." He looked at her and thought for a minute. Then he pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her.

"There's nothing to be scared of when you're with me." She let a small smile come to her face when he said these words, and she fell back asleep.

The next morning, Ciel woke up, and instantly thought about last night's events. "Why would she...?" His thoughts were cut off when he looked at how they were laying. Lillian had one leg in between his, and her arms on his chest. His arms were wrapped around her, and his head layed just over hers. Ciel started blushing, and then there was a knock on the door. He already knew who it was, but before he had time to do anything, Sebastian walked in and his eyes widened.

"Good morning master. Sleep well?" He let out a small chuckle and Ciel glared.

"Shut it!" He barked.

"Ehh..." They both looked over and see Lillian waking up, who also started blushing when she seen her body tangled with Ciel's.

"What!? Why am I in here!?" She suddenly shot her hand up to her head where the bandage was, and let out a small cry.

"It'd be best if you didn't touch that. You had much blood loss last night, and I almost had to call a doctor."

"What happened?"

"Well, I heard a noise from your room, when I went to knock, I heard another noise. I opened the door and you were banging your head against the wall repeatedly asking why me? So I went and sat by you, we got the blood cleaned up and a bandage over your head." Sebastian had by now poured his tea and Ciel was taking a drink when Lillian asked,

"Ok, but how did I get in here?" Ciel almost choked on his tea while Sebastian was trying not to laugh.

"Well you see, umm...I..."

"What my master is trying to say is he refused to let you sleep in your own bed last night, so he brought you in here with him." Lillians face flushed with red, as did Ciel's.

"Now, if you'll exscuse me, I have to start today's work." With that he left the room leaving the two alone.

"Well I'm going to go and change, but umm...thank you. For last night." When she went to walk out of the room, Ciel stopped her.

"Lillian, I think you should stay on bed rest for the day. You are still pale from all the blood loss and your wobbling around the room trying to walk." It was true, Lillian could barely walk.

"Now wait just a minute! I'm not going to lay in some stinky bed all day and act like a old sick lady, just because I lost some blood! Nope!" She went to walk out of the door but fell to the ground as soon as she went to take another step. Ciel walked over to her and helped her up.

"See? You can't even walk."

"I can to!"


"Can to."


"Can to."


"Can to!


"Listen Emo Pirate, I can do this all day."


"Yes! Seeya Emo Pirate." She walked out of the room, but almost fell three times. When the door shut, Ciel heard a loud thud.
"Well, she's back to herself again." He went to walk out of the room as well, until he realised what he was wearing.

"Sebastian!...You hopeless moron."


Ok, so I'm actually really proud of this chapter? I don't think I did very bad on it, so it's my favorite one so far. I hope your enjoying ^~^

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