Chapter five- Water!

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Happy 4th of July!~
Enjoy the fireworks, and staay away from people with sticks and turtles ^~^...seriously though, they're evil.


"I'm terribly sorry miss! Oh yes I am!" The red head was helping Lillian up, and Lillian just laughed.

"It's fine! Don't worry about it! But, you're Mey-Rin!"

"Oh yes I am miss! What is your name?"

"My name is Lillian. Now, why were you running?"

"Oh you see miss, I was trying to get to the kitchen to help...Sebastian!" She noticed how when she said Sebastians name, her face turned pink and she started smiling bigger.

"You really like him, don't you?"

"Wha-? I- I umm...Well you see" Mey-Rins sentence was cut off by a sudden boom coming from the kitchen. They ran and there stood Bard. He had his flamethrower in hand, and had just came out of a smoke filled room.

"Bard! You no good trouble maker! How could you do this? Sebastian will be mad, oh yes he will!"

"Well I was trying to cook the young master dinner!"

"Guys! Calm down! What if I cleaned it up, before Sebastian sees it?" Lillian smiled at them and walked into the kitchen, not giving them another chance to speak. She opened the windows in the kitchen, and went and grabbed the broom. It took her about 20 minutes to get the entire kitchen clean.

"Well. Look who's cleaning." She spun around and seen Sebastian holding a platter.

"We must go to the dining room now. My master is impatient." They started walking and Lillian suddenly got an idea.

"Sebastian, let me take the food! I can handle it!"

"But I- Well I guess you could. I have to deal with Bard and Mey-Rin. " He handed her the platter and she waited for him to walk away. When he did she ran back into the kitchen and grabbed many spices to dump all over the dinner. She let out a laugh and made her way down to the dining room.

"Well hiya!" She walked over and set the food in front of Ciel and took away the lid.

"Where is Sebastian?"

"He is dealing with some stuff, so I brought your food! Now stop talking and stuff your mouth!"

He gave her a suspicious look but took a bite out of his food. As soon as he did his face turned red and he spit it out.

"Water! I need water!" Lillian was rolling on the ground from laughter and Ciel was furious.

"Sebastian!" He came rushing in.

"Yes, my lord?"

"My food is covered in spices!" That was when they both noticed Lillian, uncontrollably laughing.

She finally got her breath and said, "Ha! You ate it! Priceless!"

"This is not funny! Sebastian get me a drink!"

"Yes, my lord." He left and Ciel glared at Lillian.

"Look emo pirate, you gotta lighten up. It was just a joke. You don't have to be so mad." He didn't say anything, just waited for his water. After he got it, Lillian was told to go to her room. She didn't like the order, but didn't fight it.


Ciel spit out his water. "What was that!?" They both ran to where the scream came from, and seen Lillian sitting in a ball shaking.

"Lillian!" Ciel ran to her asking what was wrong.

When she looked up, he could see tears rolling down her face. "Nothing, I'm fine. I'm going to bed." She got up and walked into her room, not saying another word.

"What happened...?" Ciel whispered.

"I think it's about time you get into bed as well. Dinner took longer tonight, and it's starting to get late." They walked into Ciel's bedroom and did the usual routine before bed. Ciel layed there wondering what happened to Lillian. "I hope she is ok..."

Lillian couldn't really sleep that night. She was tossing and turning, and saying things like, "No, I don't want to." Or, "I'm sorry."

Another short chapter, but I got the point across. I hope you enjoyed!

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